An Indie Holiday Story: Nicole from Craftapalooza


Nicole of Craftapalooza shares her An Indie Holiday Story. Nicole is from Perth, Australia and I am always just a little fascinated by how the other half (the other hemisphere) celebrate Christmas, when I think of it as all snowy and cold.  It’s a little kid’s fascination, I realize, but some things you never get over learning in school. 

Nicole shares her gorgeous silver tree & some of what Christmas is all about to her.

1. What is your favorite holiday tradition.

Baking, making and gifting.

2. Share a story behind a special ornament on your tree.

The little sheep, I’m assuming it’s vintage and came from my back-tack 4 partner and it’s completely adorable.

3. All you want from Santa is….?

Christmas with my partner Sondra and our fur kids, Ted and Spud.

4. Your favorite Christmas movie and why?

Usually ANY musical involving Doris Day or Elvis. Doesn’t have to be about Christmas!

5. The best toy you ever got when you were a kid.

My barbie and her horse!

6. Why is Christmas special to you?

It’s a time of year when life slows down a little, when I get to reflect on the year just passed and spend time with friends.