The beginnings of my flower garden


I just received some flower seeds from the Seed Savers Exchange. Some I am planting purely because I think they are pretty, while others are more practical in addition to being pretty. For example, bee’s friend attracts beneficial insects and marigolds are good companion plants for helping to discourage unwanted insects, while as far as I know the bunny tails have no benefit, I just think they are adorable and fuzzy!

The Seed Savers Exchange is a non-profit, member supported organization whose goal is to save and share heirloom seeds. Highly recommend them as a great place to get seeds.


  1. Yay for bunny tails! My sister (a real gardener) sent me (a novice) some for my birthday. I believe they do provide a benefit—their silly softyness make us grin : )

  2. Thanks for the recommendation. As a new gardner I am so intersted in learning about resources such as this. Oh– and those bunny tails are absolutly adorable! I must plant some now :).

  3. When I was a kid I used to love looking through the Burpee catalog in the winter and choosing the seeds for my dad to buy! A pack of seeds is a little envelope of possible beauty, isn’t it?

  4. I’ve been wanting to order from them. I love what they are doing. It will be interesting to see what kind of success you get with the seeds. Keep us posted please:)

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