Green Home Goods from the Indie Green Fixx Galleria

Whether you are looking for yourself or looking for a congrats on your new home gift, here are some really awesome home goods from the Indie Fixx Green Galleria.


  1. Tote 2 Go
  2. Tasha Mckelvey
  3. BananaSaurus Rex
  4. Half Pint Salvage
  5.  Depuis
  6. Stuck on Honey
  7. Kim’s Crafty Apple
  8. My House Party
  9. Blue Bicicletta Art
  10. Earth Cadets

The Indie Fixx Galleria is an online showcase of handmade, indie-made & vintage goods. Think of it as an ‘indie mall’ featuring a mix of designers & boutiques to provide a curated shopping experience. Participants do pay a fee to take part, but the Galleria is juried.


Now accepting applications for the  Spring GalleriaApril 30th to June 4th

All types of goods will be considered including handmade & vintage that fit with the spring theme as well as good gifts for Moms & Grads. All artists, designers, crafters and indie boutiques that create or carry handmade, vintage and/or indie made goods are welcome to apply. The cost is $20. The deadline to apply is: April 26th.

Send your url or 3 small images to apply.


  1. I favorite’d half pint salvage on Etsy, I really like the designs. And thanks for posting about the Galleria. A lot of great designs already there, I will check about possibly posting some of my work.

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