Wednesday Indie Artist Fixx with Becky Oh!

I interviewed Becky O’Neil of Becky OH! for this week’s Indie Artist Fixx because I have a serious love affair with her bags. Becky’s eye for using fabrics in breathtaking combinations and her architecturally reminiscent styles are among some of the most unique independently designed and created bags around. Her one-of-a-kind creations are just stunning and her new winter line is the best yet.

Becky came on the scene in 2004 and has been steadily making waves with her seemingly endless creativity. I really expect big, big things to come from this talented bag lady.

Here’s Becky in her own words.


1. What’s the name of your business and what do create and sell?

Becky OH! fabulous custom handbags, I design, sew and sell unique fabric handbags.

2. How and why did you get your start?

My children were at the age where I could think about re-entering the work force. I took some great lessons from my husband about the discipline of working at home and ventured out with a small line of bags and a big smile.

3. Is there anything you can share with other indie business owners who are just taking the plunge with their own business?

Trust yourself and just do it! Be friendly, open and listen a lot.

Also, make sure you love what you do – because you will be doing it 24/7.


The best is I get to play with color and fabric and I put a smile on peoples faces when they see my work. The worst is working until 3am to meet a deadline.

5. Tell us one funny/goofy/silly thing about yourself.

Well, I still love the Muppets and my one of my favorite Christmas albums is the Muppet Christmas with John Denver. I better go listen to the Dead Kennedy’s to offset that now…


6. Do you have any future plans for your business that you would like to share?

I am always designing new styles, and new fabric is everywhere. You will just have to keep watching to see what will come next… when the time is right I would love to have my own fabric line.

7. What blogs and mags do you read and what shops do you shop at? List as many as you want.

I love design blogs like Apartment Therapy, Print & pattern, and Kirin Notebook.

As far as style, I love the sartorialist . He takes fabulous pictures of everyone and has a really good eye for everyone’s style. I also visit Dress-A-Day everyday for the great writing and well, the dresses!

I love to shop from other Independent designers and I love to surf blogs to see what people around the world are designing. Great places like Indie finds take the work out of finding talented artists : )


8. Were you an artsy craftsy kid? If so, what kinds of things did you do?

As a child I was always drawing, even while in the car or watching T.V. I ended up getting my degree in fine arts and sculpture, but I drew and painted and experimented all the way.

9. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Just one? I’m a gemini, so my two favorite are Ben & Jerry’s Mango sorbet and coffee, coffee, buzz, buzz.


10. What does indie mean to you? You can give a literal definition, choose to be a little esoteric or a combination of both. 😉

It means I am not beholden to anyone. I am responsible for all the failures and successes. It means independent thought and a structure that is open to change and innovation.

11. What are your inspirations?

The fabric itself inspires me, but I am always seeing and looking at everything around me. I love curvy shapes!

12. What you are doing new that you want everyone to know about?

I am just launching my Winter line. I have some really luxurious fabrics from NY and Japan coming waiting to be cut.



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