I’ve been sick with a sinus infection for the past week and I’m trying to nurse myself because I really don’t like taking antibiotics unless I have too…they throw me so far out of whack that I never know which is worse–taking them or not.
So needless to say, I’ve been drinking copious amounts of liquids and especially herbal tea with honey–it’s soothes my throat and the steam doesn’t hurt either. My favorite herbal tea is by far honeybush. It’s my go-to tea instead of chamomile.
For those who aren’t familiar, honeybush is a South African flowering shrub that’s cultivated as a tea. It has a subtle sweet and earthy flavor and doesn’t really need sweetener, but I drink mine with honey for an extra soothing concoction.
If you haven’t yet tried honeybush, I highly recommend it. I buy Numi tea bags at my local food co-op, but I’m sure there are other brands out there–both loose and in tea bags. Try it just becasue it’s good or get some in preparation of the upcoming cold/flu season!
Oh no! I have a sinus infection, too. I am going to try this. Feel better!