Eat More Candy!

Vanilla-sea salt caramels from blackcatconfections

I have a sweet tooth.There, I’ve admitted it. If it wasn’t bad my teeth, my health and my butt, I could probably eat candy all day long.  Well, at least until I got a stomachache…

I know in this era of promoting healthy initiatives (like by our First Lady) that it’s not exactly politically correct to be pro-candy, but hell that’s what I am! I am a candy pusher. I’m starting my own campaign to bring back the candy jar. Gawd, how I miss that ubiquitous candy jar of my youth. Everyone had one….my grandmom’s neighbor, the bank ladies, the school Principal even had one!

So, hear my call to fill those candy jars and

Eat More Candy!

If you are looking for handmade goodies, and of course you, here are some treats I came across at Etsy.

Peppermint Candy Buttons from andiespecialtysweets

Handmade Maple Marshmallows from whimsyandspice

Double flavor honey coconut bite size drops from VintageConfections

Coconut and Masala Spices Berlingots from FusionSweets

French Jellies Raspberry Pâte de Fruit from ZukrBoutique

Caramel Loves Lavender from CaramelLoves

Peach cobbler flat lollipops from VintageConfections