{{by @Doug88888}}
Sorry to have missed posting on Friday and on Monday, but I have not feeling well. At all. I went to the doctor yesterday and I learned that I something called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It’s episodic, so it will go away, or at least it is supposed to. Besides vertigo, one can feel dizzy & light-headed as well as have a headache with this condition…I have it all. When I move my head certain ways, sit up, stand up, bend down or turn over in bed the vertigo feels like I’ve had 13 cocktails and then decided to go on the graviton. And I’m the kind of person who can’t go on the teacups let alone the graviton. It’s like extreme seasickness. It sucks. 🙁
Today was honestly the first day I’ve felt like being on the computer for any length of time. Here’s to hoping that this is a good sign and it’s going away. I would certainly like to get back to normal…both here at Indie Fixx and in my everyday life!
{{by DragonFury}}