Planning the garden

Whenever we move our clocks forward in the spring is when I start thinking about the garden. I probably should start thinking about it a little earlier, but since I’m just a hobby gardener and not trying to fully feed the family from the garden, I can afford to be a little lazy.

Last year I didn’t have a garden, because of a back injury that left me unable to do any real manual labor for like 3 months, and I missed it more than I thought I would. This year, I am determined to have one, but now I’ve got to figure out what to plant and like fast…I’m already behind starting my seedlings and March 17th is coming up fast (the traditional day to plant English peas around here).

So, what am I going to plant?  I know one thing for sure, I will be planting those black heirloom tomatoes that were all the rage at the Farmers’ Markets last summer.

I’m busy checking out Seeds of Change and High Mowing Seeds to make my wish list as I type. What about you? What are your garden plans for this season?


  1. You should check out Seed Savers Exchange – they’re a non-profit organization that has a wide variety of seeds available, and their mission is to save heirloom varieties from disappearing.

  2. Honestly, I don’t have garden plans this season but my mom does. Gardening is my mom’s fave hobby. She plans to put a pond on our garden . I don’t like the idea. Help!!!

  3. Thanks for the reminder to get my plants in the ground. And if you are interested in GMO free seeds – heirloom variety, check out this site: Thankfully it’s in Petaluma – only an hours drive for me but you can order online.

  4. I try my luck this year with carrots, yellow beans and bell pepper. Tomatoes I grow every year with mixed success, hopefully this year I´ll be rewarded with a big harvest ;). Also new for me a some kind of black skin pumpkins, lokking more like eggplants (but aren´t) and brussles sprouts.
    If you´re not only asking yourself what to plant but also where to put the plants in your garden, feel free to hop over to my blog, I just wrote a short&simple tutorial how to plan a bed/garden using a graphics program, not very fancy, but usefull and working 😉
    Cheers from Berlin/Germany, Mone

  5. I’m just starting up container gardening on my terrace… hopefully beating the thought that without a lot of space, one can still have a garden!

  6. Ooooo, I cannot wait to garden either. Last year, we had a random bunch of tomato plants we threw in haphazardly last minute. Although they loved us more than we loved them (had tons of tomatoes all summer!) it was not at all the plan. And I felt bad. Those poor little tomato plant troopers…

    This year, I am determined to have three raised beds put in the yard. I want tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, string beans, maybe some peppers – and whatever else strikes my fancy that will fit. 🙂

    Good luck with your planting plans!! I hope all goes well for you this year. 🙂

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