Next animal trend?

There’s just been so many animal trends…we’ve had birds (anyone watch Portlandia? Put a Bird On It!), deer, foxessquirrels, owls, bears, sharks, hedgehogs, octopi, pigs, moose, narwhals, polar bears, penguins, jellyfish, pandas, wolvesbees, seahorses and on and on and on.

Some have come and gone and some are here to stay. Owls for one, will always be popular. I remember when everything had owls on it…back in the 1970’s. My grandmom collected owl stuff back then. Today, I collect ALL woodland creatures….well, not the real ones, just things in their likeness. 😉

But what’s going to be our next animal trend? Can we guess it? If you think you know, leave a comment below. Here are a few of my ideas.

1. Armadillo from Christine Dominic Jewelry

2. Zebu from JHill Design

3.  Giraffe  from District Thirty

4. Kiwi from Paper Victory

5. Alpaca from Danger Crafts

6. Platypus from Mint Parcel

7. Hippo from John Murphy

8. Tapir from I Am Kritch

9. Crab from Red Sofa

10.Okapi from Handymaiden

11. Tamrin from Cutezville

12. Mole from le animale


  1. I vote for the armadillo! How cute are those gold necklaces up there! I’m an owl collector from waaaaay back….so there’s always a soft spot in my heart and home for those.

    I think racoons are pretty darn cute too! As well as otters.

    Linda. xox

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