I’m a little behind, but I’m finally on the Hipstamatic band wagon

I’ve recently joined the masses of people who own an iPhone. I’ve had a string of really bad luck with phones, my last 3 phones have been total pieces of crap and my last phone was even on some lists for the worst phones of 2010. It actually started randomly rebooting itself…about 20 times a day, which made it pretty much worthless. Faced with choosing another nightmare, I decided to go with a phone that’s among the most popular, hoping that would work in my favor, and so I chose the iPhone. I’ve been in a haze of free (and some not so free) apps ever since. Plus, it’s really freaking nice to been able to get through a call without my phone rebooting itself.

Among my favorite apps are the photography ones–Instagram and Hipstamatic are the ones I’ve been playing around with the most. Readymade magazine actually has an article this month about the best iPhone photography apps and I’m planning on checking those out as well.

Here’s some of my recent Hipstamatic images (I think a couple are Instagrams too). All images were taken around my home.


{{fox and girl print from Nan Lawson and some jewelry}}

{{sometimes I am more like the grasshopper than the ant…print from INK & WIT}}

{more from the Aesop’s Fables series from INK & WIT}}

{{my penpal made me that banner…I really owe her a letter!}}

{{baby fox from Sharon Montrose}}

{{more flowers in mason jars}}

{{one helluva reading pile}}

{{maybe a nap?}}

{{can’t wait for the local Rasputin season}}

{{another nap?}}

{{just one of my lovely molas}}


  1. Your post reminded me that I have not played with those apps in awhile! Thank you for inspiring me to do so. I have had so much fun today! If you haven’t taken advantage, Hipstamatic has a free deal pak going on for the month of June with Nike. Thanks again for a great post!

  2. I save them to flickr…you could so the same with tumblr or even twitter or facebook.

  3. I am a recent convert to the iPhone crowd too! We are madly in love. I haven’t tried out any of the cool photography apps… But I am looking forward to it!! Thanks for sharing your rad pics!

  4. Your pictures are fab.
    I’ll admit that I’m a much bigger fan of Instagram than I am of the Hipstamatic, but they are so similar it is hard to tell the difference.

    OH! And, I LOVE when you show off your Molas. It absolutely reminds me of when I was a kid in Panama. My dad was in the Air Force and we spent several years there. I get a little tingle when I see Molas, I really loved it there!

  5. Hello!
    I’m just starting to use Instagram and Hypstamatic myself and want to post more of those pics on my blog as well. How do you get them on your blog – if you allow me the question?

  6. I’ve been addicted to both apps for a bit but Hipstamatic was my first love. however, i’ve been using instagram more often because it seems to “develop” the pic faster. I do still love hipstamatics ability to order prints and enter contests all within the app 🙂

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