Calling all artists, crafters, designers & boutiques!

Calling all artists, crafters, designers & boutiques!

Apply now for the juried Summertime Indie Fixx Galleria.

Details: All artists, designers, crafters and indie boutiques that create or carry handmade, vintage and/or indie made goods are welcome to apply.  The Summertime Indie Fixx Galleria will run from June 15th to September 15th and the cost is $60 to participate (covers all 3 months). All participants will also be featured on Indie Fixx in my regular curated collections as well as have a 150×100  banner ad on Indie Fixx in the Galleria Participants section.

To apply: send me an email with your url and/or 2-3 small pics of your goods. I’d love to consider you!