I’m hard at work on issue #4 of Joie magazine, which will be coming out in early May. If you aren’t familiar with Joie, it’s my online magazine that is all about the art of joyful living. It’s a lifestyle mag and covers art, craft, living, design, fashion + more (read issue #3 below).
One important component of keeping Joie successful are the lovely sponsors who support each issue through the placement of ads.That said, I am now accepting ad sponsors for issue #4. There are Double Page, Full Page & 1/2 Page spots available and each sponsor will also receive a 150×200 jpg banner on Joie’s website until the next issue comes out.
With an expected readership of over 250,000+, you can promote your site to a lot of people and support Joie at the same time!
Why should you reserve an ad spot in Joie?
1. 250,000+ readers!
2. You love the look and ethos of Joie and want to align your brand with it.
3. Joie readers are interested in art, fashion, design, diy, crafts + more and that’s the kind of visitor you want.
4. You can support a publication you love!
Issue #4 will be coming out in early May and rates and specs can be found HERE. I’d also be happy to answer any questions you may have.