Planning Stages: online workshops and e-courses

After much thought, I’ve decided to stop taking on PR clients via Buzz.  I started Buzz about  a year ago and I’ve worked with some really lovely clients, but 2010 is my year to simplify and refocus in an effort to manage my time better as well as do only those things that I love doing.

That said, my favorite aspect of working with PR clients was the educational aspect. Helping people learn to do their own PR is what I really loved doing. To that end, I will channel my time and energies  working with PR clients individually via Buzz into planning and executing online educational opportunities were I can have more of an impact imparting my wisdom, experience and biz knowledge.

My mind is swirling with ideas and plans (I love this stage of a project, when the ideas come) that I hope to be able to share with you. But first, I’m going to focus on one thing and I’m going to be offering an online Workshop/E-course on…

How to Get Featured on Blogs

After 5 years of running this blog, that is something I know a LOT about, and something I know folks are interested in for sure.  Right now,  nothing is concrete, but I’m thinking about a multi-session workshop later in the spring or early summer. More details to come as I finish finalizing them.

In the meantime, please take a moment to let me know if this is something you would be interested in or not via my survey below.