{{Special Collections}} a new regular series

special collections

Last year, you may remember, I shared a weekly series called Special Collections.  I have decided to resurrect that series and share it on a regular periodic basis. You ask, “What does that mean?” Well, I will be sharing collections I come across them periodically on the blog, but it will be a regular feature as opposed to just a weekly series. Basically, as I find collections I want to share, I will!

I will highlight both collections on a theme, very much like the series I did in 2010, but I will also be sharing standout collections that have been put together by individuals. That’s what I am doing today.

I am not much of a collector myself (I do have my stashes), but I have always been fascinated by collections and collectors of all kinds. When I was doing some research last year (i.e. browsing the interwebs), I came across the found object collections of Jennifer Steen Booher on flickr {{quercus design}}. It was her collections that spurred the idea of the Special Collections series for me, especially her found sea glass collections, which are just stunning!

Jennifer lives near the ocean in Bar Harbor and has found all this glass washed up along the beaches near her home. She also finds all sorts of natural history specimens too. Btw, she sells prints of her Beachcombing Series, if you are as enamored with her collections as I am.

sea urchin collection
beachcombing collection- shells, feathers
beachcombing collection
shell collection

Hope you like this new series and stay tuned for more collections to come in the future. Also, if you have any collections you want to share, just upload some pics to the Indie Fixx Flickr Group.