Handmade Holidays: 14 Homemade Food Gift Recipes!


homemade marshmallows

by guest contributor Shrie L. Spangler

When it comes time for the holiday run-around, the hustle to get to stores to buy overpriced plastic gifts that will get one sidelong look before being stowed in the closet, I cringe. It’s not that I don’t love the holiday season…because I wholeheartedly do! It’s just that, at times, it feels like more of a competition and an absent-minded hullabaloo than a warm-hearted time of giving. To me, gift-giving is about the process and the thought, and the way an unexpected gift (be it large or small) has the chance to touch someone you love.

That’s why, a couple of years ago, the hubs and I decided to forgo all that nonsense and put a lot of heart, and a lot of work, into what we give our family and friends for the holidays. For the past several years, we’ve attempted to MAKE the items we send off, instead of buying. We started with apple butter (my hubs is the chef of the Spangler household), and then moved onto three flavors of jam, felt ornaments, potholders, aprons, embroidery… you get the idea.

What I’ve found is that food gifts are well-received. ECSTATICALLY received in fact. Who doesn’t love a homemade holiday gift of yummy awesomeness? I can think of almost no one. Slap a handmade gift tag and some fun and festive holiday packaging (super awesome rockstar status if you use recycled packaging!) on that sucker and you have a seriously wonderful gift bound to be gobbled up lickety split.

Homemade Food Gift Recipes!

  1. Quince Marmalade
  2. Granola
  3. Tomatillo Salsa
  4. Spiced Pecans
  5. Apple Butter
  6. Marshmallows
  7. Garam Masala spice mix
  8. Homemade Vanilla Extract
  9. Apricot Brandy
  10. Chocolate Truffles
  11. Brittle
  12. Christmas Pickles
  13. Carmels
  14. Chocolate Balsamic Vinegar

About the contributor: Shrie L. Spangler is one of the latest Indie Fixx interns. When she’s not doing story research, coordinating projects and coming up with posts, Shrie writes over on her blog, Lo & Behold. She also writes at guerrilla candy and at another rainy saturday. And she’s got her own Etsy Shop. She’s one busy lady.


  1. You read my mind! I was just thinking about making some homemade marshmallows to go with my Hot & Spicy Dark Chocolate Cocoa recipe…Thank you for the new recipe!

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