Handmade Holidays: Chalkboard Advent Calendar


We are planning on not having a Christmas tree this year. We are just out of room. Last year we bought a treadmill and we put it in the living room where we used to put the tree. Health or a once a year tradition? Well you can see what won out.

So, that means I am planning all sorts of homemade holiday decor to make up for the tree. Actually, nothing can take the place of bringing a whole live tree into your house, but I’m gonna try!

One of ideas I came up with was for a Chalkboard Advent Calendar. I have never outgrown the fun of an Advent Calendar, but I have outgrown my need for a daily sweet treat. Ok, that’s a lie. I’ve come to realize that I don’t need a daily sweet treat….or at least my butt doesn’t. Once again on this blog, I digress. Or regress, take your pick.

The idea behind the Chalkboard Advent Calendar is to write the date on the chalkboard tag and add it to the tree. You can start with an empty tree and add the tags daily, or start out will all the tags on the tree,  taking one down, numbering it and placing it back on the tree daily, like I did below.

If you have little kids (or just because you want to) you can gift a little piece of chocolate or other little giftie each day to whomever writes that day’s date on the tag.

Supplies & Tools

Sticks from the yard
Baker’s twine
Chalkboard paint – I like the green
Jar or vase
Fake Snow
Hole punch


1. Make your tags. Cut 24 tags out of cardstock. Mine are 2 inches high by 1 1/2 inches wide. Paint a rounded rectangle on each tag using the chalkboard paint. Allow to dry. Using the whole punch, make a hole in the center and top of the tag. Add some baker’s twine.

2. Place some sticks in a vase or jar. However many you want. Add some fake snow.

3. Add all the finished tags to the tree or add one each day. It’s really up to you. Number one each day until Christmas Eve!

What could simpler than that?

homemade chalkboard advent calendar

homemade chalkboard advent calendar

homemade chalkboard advent calendar

homemade chalkboard advent calendar


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