One of the best things about my job is getting people you admire to answer your questions. I do that regularly on Wednesdays and this week I am sharing my interview with one of my favorite artists, Amy Blackwell.
What’s the name of your business, what do create and sell and how did you get your start?
My name’s Amy Blackwell and I’m a doodler based in Nottingham. I draw, print, colour in and paint pictures that get shared with people online, at craft fairs and in little boutiques. I’ve been selling my treasures online for a couple of years now. I started with some sketchbooks, some pens and a mug of tea.
What blogs and mags do you read and what shops do you shop at?
I’m a big online shopper. I spend a lot of my time enjoying the fruits of etsy, ebay and amazon, much to the postman’s despair. From time to time I enjoy sitting down with a copy of Selvedge magazine or Current Archaeology – yep. Usually I raid my library and bring back a bag full of fiction. As for blogs my 4 favourite reads at the minute are: oh bara, a beautiful mess , Lizzy Stewart’s blog and Sandra Juto’s blog.
What’s your creative process like?
I spend my time drawing and sketching a mixture of random scribbles and pictures, which I then scan into the computer and colour in and collage together. I’m incredibly indecisive so I can spend hours playing around with colour schemes and layouts, but I love that. I find the whole process really therapeutic. Sometimes I’ll get an opportunity to play with the paints – this is a very recent like/hobby for me.
What’s something you’ve learned as an adult that you wish you knew as a kid?
This is where I say something sensible like my times tables – but in truth, I still don’t know them all!
What are your inspirations in your art and life?
I’m inspired by a lot of things. Music, films, the world outside the front door, green grocers. I’ve always loved listening to plays on the radio and reading stories. I listen to the radio while I work – it’s a great way to get your imagination going because the spoken words fill your head with pictures and narrative. Perfect.
What’s your favorite comfort food and why?
Peas. I LOVE peas. Peas and gravy. Sunday roasts with all the vegetables. Good winter stews with dumplings…. mmmm
What’s the best thing about what you do?
Being able to get up early and sit painting pictures for a couple of hours in my PJs before heading off to the Job.
And the worst?
Having to head off to the Job.
What three things would you want to be able to have if you were on a deserted island? Beyondthe basics of survival.
A lifetimes supply of wool/yarn and knitting tools. Some large epic books to keep me going and my cat.
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