I don’t know if you all remember that I’ve been working on losing some weight since last year (maybe you remember the #indielbs challenge and blog?). I’ve been working on it since last November, sometimes more seriously than others, but since last November I’ve lost 20 pounds. It’s taken a year, but I’ve slowly lost and maintained what I lost successfully. I’ve gone down one pant size and even had to add 3 holes new holes to my belt. My next goal is to lose 25 more pounds, then I will be closer to what I weighed back when I had Indie Fixx Jr.
Back to that belt. I’ve decided the next time I drop a pant size, I’m going to buy myself a snazzy new belt. I’m tired of adding holes to my old ones, but I’m going to hold off and treat myself for meeting my next goal.
Here are some belts I’ve been drooling over.
Hey! Thanks for including my belt in this menage a beautiful belts. I’m totally in the biz of building “inspirational” belts, so if you’re ever in the market for a piece to work yourself into, it would be my pleasure! I’ve always got a dangling carrot of some sort…
hey – that’s amazing! Good work!
I must get back into jogging…
I have some of Kim’s belts and they rox. I lost weight too and had to put a few extra holes in them. I’m looking to get some cool belt buckles to make my belts versatile!.
hi, congratulations, I´m too in the way to loose some pounds, lets continue in the same chanel. ana, mexico city.
keep up the good work. and those belts are too lovely.
This is fantastic! I love the tattoo inspired belt, gorgeous!
Yay! Glad to see a shop I recommended made the list.
Congratulations on the weight loss, you deserve a new belt! I can’t wait to be the same as you, 20lbs lighter. Yep, it will likely be another year for me as well…
Congrats on meeting your first goal 🙂 and I personally really like the blue one! 😀