Wednesday Indie Artist Fixx with Aleishall Girard Maxon

wednesday indie artist fixx interview

Today’s Wednesday Indie Artist Fixx interview is with Aleishall Girard Maxon of  Studio Deseo. Aleishall creates jewelry from vintage findings that can be described as colorful, full of texture and exotic, yet sophisticated. She is inspired by many things, including: decorations de chameau, Frieda khalo, fields of flowers, markets in chaos, spools of ribbon, los colores de la vida and more. Her designs can be found at Erica Tanov New york and Reform School.

What’s the name of your business, what do create and sell and how did you get your start?

The name of my business is Studio Deseo. I create one of a kind necklaces out of seed beads, handmade tassels, pom poms and other notions from around the world. I’ve always made beaded things for myself and then started making a few necklaces to sell at the store where I worked in NYC (Erica Tanov) and it just grew naturally from there.

When did you get your start and what made you decide to take the plunge?

I started because it was something I loved to do and the reactions I got from people were inspiring enough to want to make a business out of it. I am trying to grow slowly so that I can still savor each piece and be grateful that there are people who want to wear and sell my designs.

What are your inspirations in your art and life?

Color, tribal decoration, folk art, lightness, my Grandfather’s (Alexander Girard) lifetime of work as well as my brother’s artwork (Alexander Kori Girard)

What’s your creative process like?

I usually start with a point of inspiration, something like a place, a color palette or an overall feeling that I want a particular collection to invoke.

What other types of crafty stuff do you do?

I make a lot of party decorations, hair accessories for my two year old daughter and lots of collage with vintage and other found paper.

Is your home messy or organized? Which one do you think is ideal and why?

I would say my house is generally pretty organized; although, it’s hard to keep things too neat with a two year old running around. I prefer order as my surroundings are an extension of my mind…clutter makes me antsy and tense.

What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far?

Having interest in my work continue to blossom and having an international audience.

What 3 things can’t you live without?

My family. Nature. Good Food.

But, if we’re talking about actual material things then…

A pair of handmade gold hoops from my mom. A cashmere jacket (the rilke) designed by erica tanov. A hot pink wool scarf I bought in Leh, India for $2