Indie Fixx Book Club Challenge + Jane Austen’s Persuasion

indie fixx book club

Your challenge….Take a book you love and put together a collection of handmade, vintage and/or indie-made items that could be pulled from the book’s pages. They should be goods that look like they might actually have been worn or used by the book’s characters. Do you accept this challenge? Diana  Brennan did… and as a lover of Jane Austen, her choice of Persuasion was obvious to her. Here is what she came up with.

Email me if you think you are up to the Indie Fixx Book Club Challenge…

jane austen Persuasion inspired by

{from left to right}

1. Pulley
2. floral cameo brooch
3. 1800s gentleman miniature
4. sailor bonnet
5. silk ribbons
6. the poetical works of lord byron
7. ink wells
8. velvet purse
9. empire waist wedding dress
10. blue rhinestone ring
11. map print
12. vintage book collection