Monday morning means another free art download from Feed Your Soul: the free art project.
Fritha Strickland– Fritha’s full name is Fritha Moonbeatle Tigerlilly Quinn Strickland. She is a semi-professional illustrator and general maker of cute things. Her love of drawing and crafts came from moving a lot as a child and learning to ‘make’ her friends from paper when real ones were not available. She believes that what you’re happiest doing at five is what you will be happiest doing your entire life. You can see more of her work on her Blog & in her Shop.
I’m a brazilian girl and i loved your art. Thank’s for simple and beutiful things.
this so so cute! i love kitchen things and this will fit perfectly on the wall 🙂 thanks for sharing!
that’s a great filosoph …and might just be true.
(thank god I wasn’t doing nuclear science at 5…)
pilli pilli