the tools of the trade…photography

I’ve always been interested in photos of photos and of cameras. There’s something very curatorial about documenting the tools of the very trade you are utilizing that appears to my inner curator. Kellie of 74 Lime Lane is a photographer who spends a fair amount of time documenting her tools in the most charming and nostalgic way imaginable. Take  a peek below.

Kellie just so happens to also be one of  the contibutorrs in the first issue of  Joie mag. You can see her contribution starting on page 17.

new ~ bookmarks

i want to take pictures in paris


autumn snaps



camera collection

postcard set ~ vintage capture


  1. Can these photos get any cuter!! Just love the precious colors of the Polaroid Land Camera. Photos of cameras…what a genius idea! It is like an artist photographing her brushes – awesome 🙂

  2. glad you all liked Kellie’s photos. Did you have a chance to see her photo essay in this issue of Joie?

  3. What beautiful photographs of cameras. I just recently acquired a P-land camera (but the 2 packs of film I bought were spoiled 🙁

  4. I love those photos! Of photos! We have a bunch of old cameras and I might have to …. oh never mind, I wouldn’t steal that idea!

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