vintage lovin’ from the galleria

Vintage love from the  Summertime Indie Fixx Galleria.


1. Excely Jewelry
2. Found Studio
3. F&C Factory


4. Vintage by Alex Keller
5.  The White Mole
6. From My Bookshelf
7. Test of Time

Artists, crafters, designers, boutiques (both handmade & vintage) apply now for the Fall Indie Galleria. The Galleria is an online showcase of handmade, indie-made & vintage goods. Think of it as an ‘indie mall’ featuring a mix of designers & boutiques to provide a curated shopping experience.  The Fall edition is scheduled from September 6th to November 4th and only costs $25 to participate.

The Galleria is juried & has a limited number of spots, so you do need to apply. To do so, just send your url or 2-3 small images to apply. The deadline to apply is September 3rd.

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