1. Well, I would say that 90% liking the new design, isn’t ad. I’m going to take that as a success!

  2. I was just sent to your blog yesterday, so I don’t know what it looked like before. I really like it! I tayed because the interface was easy to follow and looked cool, plus I was inspired immediately. I agree with Carrie that I like a warm blog and this does feel cool, but without having seen it before, I thought it looked great!

  3. Oh the content is still fabulous and very inspiring. I just think the pale blue isn’t as welcoming as the browns etc The fox it stunning but I like a blog to be warm and I feel this is cols looking – as I live in Ireland (rain all the time) I don’t need cooling down. That’s just may thoughts xx

  4. I love the fox on the right hand side and the coloring/stripe of your blue logo. Not as “wowed” by the raindrop things on the left side.

    But most of all I enjoy your CONTENT and that is the most important thing, right? I usually read in google reader anyway and you can’t see all the colors, etc.

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