Guest Blog: Road Trip by Diahn Ott

Diahn Ott shares some road trip inspiration. I’m be back on Monday after my own trip! – jen

By guest contributor Diahn Ott

There are days when inspiration seems to come out of the woodwork, and everywhere I turn I see a new idea for a painting, or a composition for a photograph. And then there are those other days. You know the ones I mean…Those are the days that stretch into weeks and occasionally into months where it seems that the ideas get stuck in the mire of everyday life and nothing is working.

There’s only one cure for those days…

Road trip!

It’s always amazing to me how getting out of the ruts we create for ourselves can spark a new idea…a new feeling…a new color palette…I recently took a road trip and ended up in Jefferson, Texas – a small town near the Louisiana border. I have a feeling I’m going to see a lot of these colors showing up in my own paintings very soon.

A Box Full of Smiles

Dr. Pepper

Glory Dayz Interior


You don’t have to go far, you know. Just take a walk, or drive a new route to work one day. Go to a different park and walk your dog in a different direction. Open your eyes to a way out of that creative rut and get busy making those fabulous things you make.

El Burro

About the contributor: Diahn Ott is an eclectic, self-taught artist, working primarily in water-based media such as gouache, watercolor and acrylics. She loves combining paints with ink, images with words, and natural with industrial elements. What separates Diahn from other artists is her ability to locate, and accentuate, the beauty in the ordinary by manipulating layered elements with the purity of line work. Her work can be viewed on her blog, Ottwork and purchased at her Etsy shop, Ottwork Studios.


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