Feed Your Soul: the free art project download from Erin Stueber of Fox in the Woods


Monday is here once again, but don’t despair that means another free print from a Feed Your Soul: the free art project contributor. This week’s print was created by Erin Stueber of Fox in the Woods.

If you are interested in participating in the project, email me at jen@indiefixx.com.  I’d be happy to take a look at your work. I am booking into June, July & August.


Erin Stueber – Erin was born, raised, loved, married, (and so far) has stayed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Reminded of her own childhood imagination, she marvels at the sometimes bright, often dark,and always mysterious world as seen through the eyes of her children. She is a completely self taught artist and you can see more of her work in her Etsy Shop, on her website and on her flickr page.

Download Erin’s print HERE!