Garden Chic!

Today I’m guest blogging over on Going Home to Roost where I’m sharing some Garden Chic fashions. I found so many wonderful items when working on my post that I decided to do a sister post on Indie Fixx as well.

Some of these goodies are totally practical, while others are just not, but don’t let a little think like that stop you from looking oh so garden chic!  See more of my pixx in my post on Going Home to Roost.

Also, be sure to enter thegiveaway for a Going Home to Roost designed pillow in the giveaway sponsored by Green Rainbow Shop! ENTER HERE!


  1. Rainmaker Necklace from natural historie
  2. Gardeners Paradise apron from Going Home to Roost
  3. Geometric Chickens Tee by partybots
  4. Sunhat by hodgepodgefarm
  5. Smock Apron by HandmaidensCottage
  6. Grow Your Own Food Tee by happyfamily
  7. Forest Green and Natural Fedora Hat by onnesti
  8. Asparagus with Bee at Night Tee from Ahpeele
  9. Rooster Love Scarf by CypressInk
  10. Garden  Apron by Karisma28
  11. Wonderful Wellie Warmers by naturallyfelt
  12. Denim Jumper by breadandroses2


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