2010 Garden!

Spring is almost here and I am so happy about that. That means it’s time to get started on the garden. One of the 1st things to do is to get my seeds started. Some I am starting inside, which you can see below, and some I will wait to direct sow outside, like the peas which I hope to start this week (hope to share some pictures of the pea trellises that I will be making).

For the garden, I only use seeds from small independent companies who are committed to sustainability. Here’s a good list of seed companies…I’ve ordered seeds from High Mowing Seeds (the company I have used the most), Seeds of Change & Seed Savers. Seeds Savers is a non-profit organization of gardeners dedicated to saving and sharing heirloom seeds, so I’m really excited to be ordering from them for the 1st time this year.

Why is it so important to order from the smaller independent companies? Well, for one they offer organic seeds. They also realize that diversity is important & that agricultural mono-cultures should not be promoted. They also encourage seed saving, when possible, instead of trying to prosecute those who do it. They offer Heirloom varieties, which is awesome, because who wants to eat the same kind of tomato all the time? They also do not genetically modify their seed, so that it can only be grown by being sprayed with a pesticide, that they also just happen to sell. Okay, that’s enough of being up on my soapbox. Just some food for thought for all of you growing plants this year.

Anyway, here’s a list of what I am planning on growing over the spring & summer.

Vegetables Mesclun Bee’s Friend
Kale Red onions Bunny Tails
Yellow Bandywine Tomato Cucumbers Marigolds
Spinach Enaglish Peas Moss Rose
Yellow Perfection Tomato Flowers Star of the Veld
Cherokee Purple Tomato Zinnias Herbs
Pruden’s Purple Tomato Black-Eyed Susans Dill
Little Finger Eggplant Calendula Basil
Jericho Romaine Nasturtium Italian Parsley
DeCicco Broccoli Sunflowers Cilantro
Yellow Squash Poppies Oregano

Aren’t they pretty?  Between our CSA farm share and the garden, I’m sure we will have plenty of veggies this year. Don’t you wish you lived closer?

My muddy gardening boots after an afternoon of  working on expanding the garden. Last year was our 1st year of vegetable gardening, it went so well that we decided to double the garden this year. Plus, we will be growing tomatoes & herbs in pots on the deck, so there will be a lot of growing going on! That’s also not to mention the flower beds in the front of the house, which I plan on making a haven for the bees and butterflies.

Seeds planted, check! Now, we wait….



  1. To all gardeners east of the Mississippi and north of the Mason-Dixon: keep in mind that Late Blight can be a problem for tomatoes when damp summers occur. “Stripped German” and “Green Zebra” varieties showed some resistance for us (which is great because loosing a crop can be so heartbreaking…)

  2. I’m so excited that it’s getting to be garden time again! Thanks for all the useful info and inspiration — and I’m loving the flickr pool.

  3. i have been so anxious to get started! i have put in the peas and a few different kinds of lettuce and beets. yum.

  4. Great list! Love this time of year and the planning of the garden, so exciting! I have used Seed Savers for a couple years now with great success.

  5. Hey there- Awesome post! I look forward to reading about your veg adventures… inspired by your post I just ordered some seeds from Seeds of Change – thank you and keep it up!

  6. I’m starting my garden next week. My dogs make it impossible to do anything but grow things in pots. Now you’re getting me all excited. I can’t wait. Thanks for the seed company resources! That’s great.
    It will be herbs and small veggies. Just like last year, little tomatoes, japanese eggplant, and I’ll try squash again, but it died last year.

  7. I usually use starters instead of starting my own seeds, just don’t have the room and know how yet. I think I’m a little late to start from seed this year, but I’m thinking of giving it a go. Still haven’t decided what to plant though. I love your wellies!
    Can’t wait to see how your garden does!

  8. I’m so excited about our garden this year too! Although I think I might have gone a little overboard on my seed order this year forgetting I only have a little deck this year and not a yard. We’ll see how it goes! Your garden sounds like it will be very plentiful!

  9. My boyfriend spent the weekend working on our little garden. Between our two neighbors gardens in our side yard and ours in the backyard, the garden area around our house will soon be near the same size as the community garden down the street!

  10. how exciting. the hubs and i are trying our hands at a vegetable garden this year for the first time. hope we find ourselves as successful as you did last year. can’t wait for all the tomatoes!!!

  11. we do our own veggies and csa too! i can’t wait for this stupid frost to be gone, so i can start getting my hands dirty!


  12. That’s a great list of companies. I’ve also had great luck with Baker Creek Heirloom, which is on that list. The seeds are affordable, plentiful and gave me great results. Just thought I would add my experience! Good luck! Purple Cherokees are my absolute favorite. I have some pineapple tomatoes started as well as my herbs!

  13. Oh wow! You are so ambitious! Can I use the herd of deer that frequent our lawn at night as an excuse to leave the gardening to the folks at the farmers market?

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