Ignite and some wildlife photography

This past Wednesday night, I went to an Ignite event. What’s Ignite? Ignite is a globally orchestrated phenomenon designed to bring people & their ideas together with each other. The premise behind Ignite is that a number of presenters share a 5 minute talk on anything they want to talk about. Each presenter share 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds to keep the talk moving.

Started in Seattle in 2006 by O’Reilly’s Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis, the goal of Ignite is to help build community connections & help  people  learn about  new stuff & to become inspired. I’m planning on attending another event next month as well….I’m even thinking about presenting. There’s probably an Ignite event going on near you too!

So, I have something to share with you from the other night.  One of the presenters was Kevin Fleming, a local Delaware photographer. He is working on a couple of wildlife books and I thought I’d share some of his photographs here, so you can see how pretty Delaware is. Of course, all of the images are of cute fuzzy woodland creatures. 😉

I will be sharing more about Ignite, including some video of some of the presentations from the other night, so stay tuned.

{{{all images by Kevin Fleming}}}






  1. I’ve been to Delaware (we used to live in New Jersey) and it is pretty, much more greenery than out here in New Mexico! Those animals are so cute, especially that raccoon, how adorable!

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