Staying on the theme of the new year and your indie biz, I have another giveaway for you. This one is for a copy of the Craft Inc. Business Planner by Meg Mateo Ilasco & published by Chronicle Books. You may remember Meg’s 2007 book, Craft, Inc. Turn Your Creative Hobby Into a Business, well this is follow-up to that and is designed to help you take control of your business and plan your growth.
What better time to do that than the start of the new year, right?
To win your copy, leave a comment on this post with one of your indie biz goals for the new year. I will choose one random commenter to win a copy of the Craft Inc. Business Planner. This giveaway will end January 3rd at 11:59 pm EST.
goal this year: get my name and merch out there, make more things +post more frequently
Business Goal: I need to push myself to do more shows. Something I have been putting off for years, but it is needed to grow my business.
Creative Goal: At least two new full lines this year. I spent last year expanding one line, but need something new creatively to feed my soul.
My goal is to decide on a business name so i can finally start designing my blog/etsy store! I’ve been stuck on it for months!!!
What a great planner, I really hope I win! I need the kickstart!
i would love to win!
hi, this is my first time ever comment on any blog. Was so moved by the offer that i had to break my silence.My 1st (again)goal of 2010 is to lay my hands on your book which would automatically take care of the rest of my goals.Wish you the best in your goals too.
Lv Alpana
one of my many goals for 2010 is to develop my etsy shop {the fortunate oak} and my creative style into an art that is truly ME. its so important to be truthful in your art and find what you love and what speaks to you!
happy new year!
My business goal for this year is twofold. I would like to build up a better network or resource suppliers, so that, in turn, I can produce similar items with more regularity. In turn, I would then like to possibly sell on etsy, or a similar site, as well as locally.
How perfect that I ran into this blog and post tonight. I wrote some goals on my blog []…here’s the big one: “Manage my time intentionally. I l.o.v.e. reading other artist’s blogs and Etsy shops. And that’s okay…I get great artistic energy from looking around the creative world. But what I will begin to do is limit myself to four 15 minute “blog blocks” per day. The rest of my time will be focusing on the tasks that I need to be working on.”
This book is perfect timing. I’ve been working on my business plan for the new year. Whether I win it or not, I’ll need it!
My business goal:
Laugh more, worry less and make room each day for artsy blogs and peppermint tea!(Along with worrying less I’d really like to get my crafty business finances in order and keep them that way…but all in good time.)
My goal: Stop procrastinating and open up my own etsy store! I don’t even know where to begin.
oh yes! just what i need to get started. here’s to a brand new year! l.
My goal is to sell 200 items in my etsy shop in 2010 and increasing the sales by 20-25% each year.
My 2010 goal for my biz is to get better at bookkeeping! That is one area I definitely slack off. Thank for the chance to win this very awesome planner!
I’m going to start actually USING my accounting software!
I would really like to be a part of Urban Craft uprising this year, blog all my projects and open an etsy store.
My Indie Biz goal for 2010 is to open my Etsy shop and build my business so I can quit my day job.
My goal is to feed as many animals whose humans cannot afford to feed them as possible. I am opening a not for profit pet pantry where I live. I have a corporation and my tax exempt status (501c3) is hopefully days away, and then the real work begins!
my new year’s biz goal is to participate in more craft shows and advertise on blogs.
I’m planning an indie show in my community for the 2010 holiday season. Even though I’m terrified, I say go for it!This planner would definitly help. Cheers, sally.
This would be a great year to start trying to sell some photography!
To launch a store on Etsy. Thanks for the giveaway!
my goal is just simply to open an etsy shop to sell my creations. i haven’t begun yet!
My goal – lots and lots of more photos! And starting to be a bit less “nicer” aka not do things “for free”.
One of many goals for my biz in 2010 is to really get organized on the business end of things and take a crack at wholesale opportunities. Craft Inc. here I come!!
I keep looking at this planner in the bookstore and waffling…
My goal is to pick a direction and just START.
Here are a few of my goals for the year:
* Find a local discussion group to meet new people and improve my German.
* De-clutter and re-organize my home.
* Replace household supplies with homemade, green alternatives.
* Post a new tutorial each month.
* Send out monthly newsletters.
* Sell at at least two local markets.
The list goes on and on…
My Indie Biz goal is to actually start my indie biz on etsy while continuing to freelance with the bigger companies!
My goal is to take better pictures and put out some new products.
I have an entire list of goals and my main one is to finally get an Etsy store up and running. Thanks for the chance to win, I really want this planner.
My business goal is to spent more time developing my product line and brands to grow my Etsy shop.
My goal is to start tapping into my creativity and take the first step in creating and selling handmade good.
My Goal is to really get my online presence better: get my portfolio online and allow people to be able to purchase things online.
a lovely giveaway.I can think of a few people who would love this book. my goal in 2010 is to make my sustainable shop sustainble!
Thank you for putting a pic of my new peking bird pairs on your blog! I have coveted the craft planner. One of my major goals is to finally start getting serious about my business and start using bookkeeping software! Best, ~m
My goalis to get back to my blog and actually OPEN the etsy shop I’ve been thinking about for a couple of years.
I would utilize social media to expand reach to targeted audiences. That sounds very high tech for something so hand-crafted, but I do want to reach the interested with limited resources and that is the most measurable and economical way
This would be perfect for my sister and I, we are thinking of selling our crafts at local craft fairs.
My goals are to redesign my website and expand my online readership.
This new year I’m going to finally open up my Esty store!
2010 Goal: Do more self-promo that I love, love, love.
I want to focus on web presence as well as personalized shopping for every customer. I want to be as thorough as possible.
Oh, this is just a wonderful give-away, I would love to read the wisdom in this book! One of my top business goals is to master quickbooks and get all my accounts set up on it.
my goal is to concentrate on my business for good!
goal – finish our business plan!
Wow! This planner is exactly what I need for 2010 – my daughter and I are opening an Etsy Shop and could use the advice and direction.
My goal is to hone in on my card-making skills and open a shop specializing calligraphy on card and personalized stationary.
one of my biz goals for the new year is to post at least once a day to both of my etsy shops! π
I have many goals for my business in 2010, but my main goal is to narrow down my style and REALLY find my niche.
My goal is to actually spend more time on my work and less time on marketing! Sure I probably won’t make much money but I will be creatively fulfilled.
2010 will be the year I open my etsy shop(finally), record all my fabric purchases & product sales, and take time to smell the jasmin:)
My most immediate goal for 2010: Plan, attend and sell out at my very first craft show.
I want that planner! Love the book “Craft, Inc.”
My business goals are to increase my local presence (will be showcasing art at shows) and my worldwide/online presence (by blogging more often, marketing, etc).
Hope I win!
My goal is to start up my own etsy shop! I’ve got the ideas for products… I just need to buckle down and start realizing my dream.
My indie goals for 2010 is to design modern chicken coops and start a modern homestead-type blog….also perhaps make custom wedding invitations on the side. I just need this planner to keep myself on track!
I have the yellow one as my Bible! Following its advices and organizing my business. This one looks perfect to continue with that!
I have an etsy shop, a mailing list etc – my goal is to use them better and update more often. π
Thanks for a great year of great blog posts! I don’t comment that often but your blog is on my Link Love list for sure!
Happy New Year!
My goal is to have my etsy shop open by the end of the year!
My indie biz goal is to actually launch a biz! I want to focus my ideas on a biz plan I can get behind. It’s time to stop dallying and get focused!
I plan to start collecting quirky vintage items and to slowly build my handmade inventory to open my own storefront in 2011!
I could really use something like this!!
One of my business goals for the new year is to write more patterns, this way I can make things for me and share my ideas with the world!
I also plan to teach knitting via my blog π
Yay, great giveaway!
I’ve actually been thinking about branching out a bit, opening a second shop on Etsy and moving in a different direction, while still keeping my current shop up to date.
My goal: opening an Etsy store for vintage items my mom has selected and crafts from me.
One of my major goals this year is to give my products more limelight by boosting my advertising. Good luck to all of us in achieving our goals!
My goal is to try to maximize the time I spend on marketing, blogging, and other tasks so I have more time to create artwork for my Etsy and Zazzle shops.
I want to make my shop more cohesive. I also want to turn my ideas into actual items instead of just letting them float around in my brain! Happy New Year!
My goal is to get my business to a point where it can support me full-time. I’m so close and know I can achieve it within 12 months with a lot of hard work and some good planning!
My goal this year is to do more markets and meet people face to face instead of hiding behind the wall of the internet.
My goal is to be more self-disciplined and organized so I can actually start selling my own handmade items instead of just vintage supplies.
Since I’ve opened my Etsy shop in 2007, I’ve sold 168 items, and have 640 hearts. By the end of 2010, I would love to have sold 300 items, and have 1,000 hearts.
Also, I clicked the link to see how much this would be for me in the event that I don’t win and the site says that it’s out of print! Is it printed to order? If I back order how long could I expect to wait for a reprinting?
Find the courage to show my books to an editor, or just dive right in and use an online self publishing option. I have come to accept that even being a writer will require some kind of business plan.
Would love to break even this year or even better make a profit. I would love to learn how to market my shop better.
I want to develop a marketing plan this year.
My primary goal for 2010 is to create a marketing plan specifically for my etsy business that focuses not only on etsy marketing, but marketing opportunites outside etsy, but online and offline.
My first and foremost indie biz goal: get it online and get my first customer!
In 2010, I’d love to
1. re-evaluate my items so that I’m only making things I love and things that sell well,
2. find some local boutiques interested in carrying my items, and
3. make more sales!
My goal is to post items regularly in my shop and also promote my shop more effectively.
Thank you for the giveaway! It would be a huge help! Happy new year!
like many, i would love to get my own indie business up and running! i would also like to develop enough confidence in my products to know that someone would want to buy them! thanks for supporting the little guy (or gal!) out there π
Hi Indie Fixx Family:
One of my business goals is to work with other small Tucson businesses to inspire more collaborations that celebrate local. Thanks for the giveaway (and online brainstorming about goals)!
My goal is to finally get my etsy shop going and to work out the details of my new product line.
This year I have a goal to do something with my photos – make cards & calendars, approach galleries…
one of our goals this year is to really try to get more online direct sales–explore more promotion avenues to drive traffic our way
I already have an Etsy shop by my goal for next year is to continuously add new work to it and to get it noticed. I’d also like to start freelancing and to start sending out my work to agents! It’ll be a tough but exciting year I think!
My goal for 2010 is to develop my produts in quality and export my dolls abroad. Best of all for everybody!
my goal for 2010, is to take pictures of my textile arts to put on my website, make some plushie friends and do screenprint posters.
My goal is to start selling my paper crafts online!
I have spent the past few months lurking on blogs, sites and etsy stores dreaming – 2010 I’m going to open an etsy store myself – this would be an incredible way to start it right.
I’d like to make enough where I could stock up for both craft shows AND my Etsy store!
One of my goals is to make a schedule for making jewelry for my biz, and actually sticking to it.
oooh, great giveaway!
i’m hoping to get a newsletter underway + put a website together π
happy 2010!
My goal is promotion promotion promotion.
I am working on a new jewelry line, I would make it online this year π
I could totally use this. I’m just getting into the swing of things.
My goal for this year is to be more consistent with posting new items on my Etsy shop,
My goal is to start an etsy shop.
Thank you for the giveaway!
One of my goals is for my business to become more established!
By the way, I LOVED Craft Inc., Turn Your Creative Hobby into A Business…it was easy and interesting to read and put together beautifully.
I have a lot of goals for this new year. One is to make more crafts, and get then out there to sell. Promote myself. I also hope to get a lot of sales this next year. Go to shows. And a lot more stuff too.
I am really pushing to start selling my cards! I have been making them for years and I think I’m finally confident enough to start selling them. I’d love to create a small etsy store this year.
One of my goals is to set more time aside to create π
This will be the year I make my crafty business legit!
My goal for the new year is to get organized so that I can be consistent with my crafting. By doing that I hope to turn it into sales. A planner would help a lot.
start up an etsy shop!
I would love to start actually turning a profit this year! Getting more organized and getting my goals in line would be a big help!
my goals are to realize my two bloggingideas and to be more crafty. thank you for all the inspiration on your blog. it helps me to focus on my goals!
My goal is to update my etsy shop and stay on top of it. I’ve been lagging and don’t feel good about that. Maybe this will be the little push I need. Thanks for the opportunity! π
My business goal for this year is to really start thinking like a business and build my brand.
Happy New year and good luck to all of us with our resolutions!
My Goal for 2010 is to have more confidence in the items I make and to sell them on Etsy or at the local market which was suggested to me by a friend
My goal is to actually record all my sales and expenses this year
I would love to win this planner! A big goal for next year is to make a lot of handmade presents. Happy New Year!
I’d like to start actually turning a profit!
My 2010 is to get even more organized: my business, my paperwork, my studio.
I have the Craft Inc. book and it’s been a super resource. Would be thrilled to win this new planner!
Oooh, great giveaway! My biggest goal for 2010 is to increase my market presence, both online and in retail shops.
A goal is to market more efficiently. Smarter. To reach out for more press & features and to choose fewer but strategic venues for shows.
My goal for this year is to write a clear business plan and to really focus my efforts on creating an affordable children’s clothing line on etsy… my shop has been all over the place (and wonderful!) but I want to be more focused.
one of my goals is to start creating a new line of supplies for my etsy
My goal: to sort through all the confusion of getting the right packaging and finishing my product line so I can finally open up my artwork/prints store! (I’ve only been trying to do it for years)
One of my goals is to stock my etsy shop. Bonus goal to create six how-to videos to post onYouTube.
one of my goals is to freshen up/redo my portfolio to stay fresh and more marketable. Also to respond to emails within a day.
Oh, looks like a very nice planner! My goal is to build up my brand and get some sales! ;P
Wow! I was just checking this book out at the shops the other day. I loved Craft Inc..
One goal for this coming year? Get my art-dedicated website up and running, baby!!!
My one and only biz goal for 2010 is to start my Etsy shop. Pretty straightforward!
Thank you for the giveaway and Happy New Year!
What a great giveaway! I’m not sure my business idea qualifies, because I certainly don’t have the skills to make a living by crafting. But I did post on my blog letting my readers know about the giveaway.
Please, please, please, I would love to own a copy of this book. Sandra from South Africa
My first goal is to redo my site. My 2nd goal is to get back into blogging and various social networking that I’ve neglected since my 2nd child’s arrival (apr ’08). I have lurked but not been active for a while.
Small beans, but I really just want to get my Etsy store stocked and on the move! I have a lot of goodies I have been working on but taking the plunge makes me nervous. Need to get organized!
My three big goals for 2010 are as follows:
1. Increase my local presence
2. Increase my online presence
3. Increase my product depth
I’ve got each of these goals broken down into actionable steps as well. Sincerely, deeply excited for 2010 and I’d LOVE to win this planner!!
One of my 2010 goals is to keep at least 10 handmade things in my shop at all times. Happy New Year!
Goal: To start this thing up!
I’ve just discovered your blog and what a great giveaway I’ve found! My goal for the new year is actually starting an online craft biz, so this planner would be a great help.
I cross my fingers! π
One of my business goals this year is to send out enewsletters on a regular basis. I’ve been sending them out irregularly and need to get on a schedule and stick to it!
i’d like to start a vintage home furnishings site on etsy!
my goal: to finally take the plunge and open my etsy shop and actually sell!
My biz goals for 2010 is to make better marketing and advertisting choices regarding my business. Choices that will help me spread the word about my business more.