#indielbs: a weight loss challenge

If you follow me on Twitter, then you know that I started a weight loss challenge for the indie community called #indielbsnamed after the twitter trend that erupted all when I tweeted I wanted to lose 25 pounds.  Apparently, a lot of other people are interested in losing weight and focusing on health and better eating habits as well!

The goal of #indielbs is to offer support and motivation for those who want to lose or maintain their weight to lead a healthier and more satisfying life.  Both the #indielbs blog and the twitter trend #indielbs will be utilized towards this goal.

My personal goal is to lose 25 lbs. To be honest, I could do with losing more, but that’s my goal for now. I think it’s a realistic goal & one that I should be able to reach in a healthy way in 3-4 months. To help motivate myself, I’ve decided that I will treat myself to a small indie purchase for every 5 lbs that I lose. Yes, I am an indie made addict and that will help motivate me!

To help motivate you, 8 indie shops (all who are participating in #indielbs) have donated goodies for a prize.  Hopefully, the idea of a prize will remind you to walk on by that tray of donuts at work and pass on dessert when out for dinner. And hopefully, the fact that there are others sharing their goals and offering support will help you make a commitment to a healthier you!

To join #indielbs and enter the giveaway

Leave a tweet on Twitter with your weight loss or maintenance goal (remember, the holidays are coming up) & make sure to include the hash tag #indielbs in your tweet. Also, send me an email to confirm your entry.  One #indielbs participant will be chosen to win the goodies. The giveaway will end December 31st, 2009. Anyone can join #indielbs, but please only those who are committed to participating in the weight loss/maintenance challenge.


Make sure to visit the lovely shops of the prize donaters to drool over their wares and see what you could win!

  1. Cut Out and Collect
  2. Daisy Janie
  3. megan auman
  4. Scoutie Girl
  5. Blend Creations
  6. fin+roe
  7. Pink Loves Brown
  8. Snapdragon Beads


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