Kissable Nose


Mr. Indie Fixx and I are really happy to have Pandora back home….we are not so sure that Isabella is quite as happy though.  Don’t get me wrong, Izzy & Pannie play chase every day and generally tolerate each other’s existence—which is about all you can hope for from cats—but I think Izzy kinda liked being the one & only cat. Now that Pandora is back, she seems to be getting more attention and that is never okay with Izzy. I’ve been trying to spend more time playing with Izzy to make it up to her. She’s such a pretty girl, isn’t she?


  1. Yes! She looks so much like my Fiona, who would love to be an only cat, but then where would I be without Molly, my tortie? 🙂

  2. I have the same problem! I promise myself that my two cats really do love each other…and try to give equal love when they’re in the presence of each other!

  3. Oh dear, I can relate to this one! My boys are brothers, and you can tell by the way they pick on each other.

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