The cleverest idea came across my desk the other day from the COMPOUND Gallery in Oakland, CA. It’s called Art in a Box. The concept—there’s a box with art inside that you get to keep.Β Ok, there’s more to it than that. The folks at the COMPOUND Gallery took some tips from the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) model & developed a monthly art subscription as a way to promote Bay Area artists. Instead of vegetables you get art, which we know from the Feed Your Soul project is just as nourishing in a different way.
The Art in a Box project features the work of local Bay Area artists, but the subscriptions are open to anyone. Subscriptions are $30/month for pick up and $50/month which includes shipping and a bonus piece (there is a minimum three month subscription).Β Β Subscribers can indicate a preference in mediums, but not the artist or piece–it’s a surprise! Sounds like an awesome idea for a really unique gift for an art lover to me. Hint, hint.
You can learn more of the details here. Plus, see the details below on how you could win your own Art in a Box!
To win!
Visit the Art in a Box gallery page, choose your favorite artwork and leave a comment on this post with the name of the piece as well as that of the artist.Β Leave a comment for each favorite to increase your chances of winning. One random commenter will be chosen to win a 1 month Art in the Box subscription. This giveaway will end Friday, October 23rd at 11:59 pm EST.
Happy Art in a Box subscribers.
Some art in a box by artist Kerri Lee Johnson.
Work from a previous month’s Art in a Box by Masako Miki.
Work from a previous month’s Art in a Box by Shannon Ingraham.
I like the Crystal Morey Piece
kerri lee johnson’s work is wonderful.
I used to participate in something like this years ago with print artists in upstate NY… nice to see it is being reinvented in the bay area
Art by Masako Miki, you have the same one on the post, the little deer. so cute.
I love Image 70 of 122 – clouds and circles…how calming but bright
Great idea. I love Audrey Roy’s rainbows (and everything else she does). I particularly love #46. Tallulah Terryl’s work is gorgeous as well. #120.
βArt by Alissa Gossβ…Swoon…
I love Pete Glover’s roughly beautiful work, especially the staple gun piece. They simplicity and the deconstructive nature of it works so well together.
I love Shannon Ingraham’s red and black series. The double mushroom (image 35)is especially intricate and has a surreal quality that makes it appear almost like an alien craft blasting off into space. Lovely work!
These are neato…i love:
Art by Eric Sanchez
Image 88 of 122 Doggy with the wig on, creepy but in a good creepy way!
I love Crystal Morey and Ben Belknap’s work.And this is a great idea!!!
Those three would look amazing lined up: Narangkar Glover
Narangkar Glover– You can never stop looking at art supplies!!:
LOVING this piece by Tallulah Terryll: Reminds me of batik.
The texture in this piece by Matt Reynoso is intriguing
I wish the website stated the medium for each art work.
Loving this one by Jamie Lakatos, too- the colors are brilliant:
Loving Jaime Lakatos’ work (and the name, too!)
Wow, what a great concept! The two-headed dear by Masako Miki is one of my favourites.
Kerri Lee Johnson’s water horses are also beautiful.
my favorites would have to be the mushrooms and also the portraits by Shannon Ingraham.
Well, that was not easy to pick just one!!
I am going to go with the awesome angel. Art by Crystal Morey
Love Cat Morley’s work; the woman’s head with wings–I can only imagine the Art in a Box subscriber gasping when the opening her package and revealing something so stunning.
I love the Art by Crystal Morey
Image 87. The beautiful girl with wings …..
Art by Pete Glover
Simple and touching – relatable.
And, I love the illustrations by Kerri Lee Johnson.
Tallulah Terrell’s work is beautiful.
I love this idea! I really like Crystal Morey’s work. The little sculptures are so full of emotion.
I also really like Shannon Ingraham’s September 2 (the two mushrooms). They just look so cute inside that ornate frame!
I like Alissa Goss’ October – really interesting shapes and colors!
My fave is Art by Audrey Roy
Art work by Audry Roy.
Image 65 of 122.
Orange trees with the bright orange in the forground.
This will certainly brighton any wall or room.
Art work by Masak Miki.
Image 40 of 122.
Again will say I like wildlife pictures.
This little deer is so adorable.
Work by Masako image 19 of 122.
I really like the deer.
Love wildlife pictures.
I love all of the busts by Crystal Morey. I buy paintings of heads. So her work would be a nice addition to my collection. They look both soul-less and soulful.
Fantastic idea! I really like the mini-sculptures by Crystal Morey! There is something about the third dimension…
Art by Tallulah Terryll…Rainbow colored abstract shapes…is a very happy and uplifting with its bright colors…
Art by Tallulah Terryll…Red, White & Blue polka-dotted pottery…is simple yet unique…
Art by Kerri Lee Johnson…Ship attacked by tentacled pink sea monster…is brilliantly colored and a definite attention getter…would make for a great conversation piece…
The Art by Masako Miki…A Deer laying down…was very sweet…
The Work by Masako Miki …Deer in the brush…caught my attention…
Matt Reynoso – Image 32 was my favorite. His other pieces were lovely also!
This is an awesome idea. Love it.
My favorite piece is Crystal Morey’s sculpture with the bird on the shoulder.
Oh, my! What a rad idea!! And amazing artists, too! π My favorite is the lovely mixed-media sewing machine by Pete Glover – it looks so very tactile and cute!
Kudos to you! I love Indiefixx and this giveaway is fabulous!
The work by Matt Reynoso ( Image 17 of
122 ) is my favorite. It is a painting
of an old coffee grinder.
Many thanks, Cindi
Shannon Ingraham’s starry lady picture (/copy_0_shannoningraham3.jpg) is awesome and stunningly beautiful.
I love Masako Miki’s Tied Antlers. Beautiful!
Tallulah Terryll – loved image 120 of 122
I love the double mushroom (image 35/122 in the gallery) by Shannon Danielle Ingraham.
I think this is such a great idea I like the Art by Ben Belknap
Please pick me i need some inspiration on these walls!
Community Supported…Art! Awesome idea, and a great Indie Fixx contest.
I really like Crystal Morey’s pieces, especially images 86 & 87 in the photo gallery.
Such a cool idea! I love the art by Crystal Morey!
I love all of Shannon Danielle Ingraham’s pictures, esp. #101, the woman with all the flowy hair. loves it.
Work by Matt Reynoso
fantastic idea!
Art by Tallulah Terryl (#96) makes me very happy with it’s simple, earthy and organic flow!
Fun! I love surprises! I really love Jaime Lakatos pieces especially the antlered bird creature.
I’m loving the image of the mushroom by Shannon Ingraham. Who wouldn’t want to receive THAT in a box!!! How lovely! π
I love the Art by Tallulah Terryll. Thanks!
lol – you picked 2 of my favorites already!! Shannon Ingraham – both mushroom images are excellent!
I have to say I fell in love with the sewing machine by Pete Glover. Of course, I also love the mushrooms by Shannon Ingraham. It’s just so hard to just choose one!
Neat idea.
I like the pice “Art by Masako Miki”
I really love the sewing machine piece by Pete Glover
I’m entralled with Shannon Ingraham’s mushrooms and frames. They’ve officially made my day.
This reminds me of the art vending machine at the Crocker Museum in Sacramento. Everytime I go there I buy something. It’s an old cigarette machine they’ve stocked with art; all of it is the same size as a pack of cigarettes and you never know what you’ll get! I love it!
The sewing machine artwork by Pete Glover is awesome! I’m an avid sewer and this would be awesome to hang over my sewing machine!
This is an amazing idea and would be such a great gift to give or receive! I love the mushrooms by Shannon Ingraham!
i love crystal morey’s sculptures!!
Everything is awesome! I love everything by Masako Miki. ecspecially the cute little fawn piece of art. the two deer eating together is adorable too.
and the tied antlers that you put in your post by Masako Miki.
second choice :
but i don’t know the name of the piece or the artist.
first choice : jake gillespie-september
images 82 and 83 by Pete Glover – the photographs of powerlines are wonderful
This is brilliant! I love the Art by Narangkar Glover… love it!
Art by Masako Miki
Art by Audrey Roy
Love the Art by Shannon Ingraham
especially Image 101 of 122
and the blue circles by Audrey Roy would brighten up a room completely.
this is such a cool idea. I love the telephone wires by Pete Glover.
I love Art by Shannon Ingraham! Very nice.
I noticed Audrey Roy seems to stick with a rainbow series and I really like her prints overall.
I also like the two blue spheres or perhaps apples by Matt Reynosa. I like his apple series.
finally, i super love the watercolor by Tallulah Terryll.
the mushroom piece by Shannon Ingraham is just ‘me’. would be so great in the kitchen!
hm, love the Masako Miki print of the deer. i’m slightly obsessed with modern woodsy art.
I really like the oranges with rainbow print by Audrey Roy.
The Ben Belknap sculpture is really cool. Hoover Dam!
I am a sucker for sewing machines so I love: Work by Pete Glover
intrigued by eric sanchez’s cat kid eating ice cream. freaky good.
I love Masako Miki – Tied Antlers.
It is a great idea!
Lena Verderano Reynoso is my last favorite!
YaChin Bonny You/s work is also incredible!
My favorite is the Masako Mikki deer!
Masako Miki’s deer series is beautiful. I wish I could have them all!
One of my favorites is the portait of a young woman by Shannon Ingraham.
I LOVE Crystal Morey’s work, especially the woman wrapped in trees!
such a great idea. i love the Art by Shannon Ingraham (the red mushrooms). so great!
I love the Art by Tallulah Terryll, the red abstract.
Oooh how beautiful!! I love it! I wish my town did something like this… maybe I should start it π my favourite is the blue patchwork by Pete Glover, it matches my curtains haha!
I love Shannon Ingraham’s piece (no. 101) of the girl with the curly hair.
Really nice.
My choice (but it was not and easy one to make) would be blue apple art by Matt Reynoso.Thank You for the chance to enjoy it.
I also love Audrey Roy’s rainbow print
I love Art by Audrey Roy!
What a cool idea! And many super artists. I esp. liked the colorful and interesting piece by Audrey Roy.
This is an amazing concept! My favorite is the double mushroom by Shannon Ingraham… I’m really into all the woodland-inspired things right now!
I like the girl with the stars, by Shannon Ingraham. Sending art as a gift it’s a great idea!
I love the art by Masako Miki. It is moving and really touches your heart.
and i enjoy the frames around shannon ingraham’s pieces.
love love love the work by alissa gozz. stunning sculptures.
I love Masako Miki’s Tied Antlers! The little thing just looks so sad and adorable!
Awesome idea!
My fave is the Bright Rainbow done by Audrey Roy π
Wow, that is a totally cool idea! I really like Art by Kerri Lee Johnson…the horsies within the waves!
Art by Masako Miki
This one is also very nice
Art by Tallulah Terryll
So pretty!
Image # 62 in the series ‘Art by Ben Belknap’….reminds me of one of my uncles!
i love the White house painting by Matt Reynoso!
Wow, how ingenious! My favorite favorite piece from this collection so far is “Art” by Tallulah Terryll π
I love the brigth collor rainbow by Audrey Roy
I love this: Art by Kerri Lee Johnson shows a couple of creatures in the sea.
I love the sculptural piece by Crystal Morey with the green trees cascading down her shoulders.
I like the Art by Kerri Lee Johnson Picture!!Wonderful colors and wonderful fantasy;)
A really great and cute idea!!! Now, to pick one favorite is tough, mmm.. mm.. Jake Gillespie’s is so clever.
image #68 by Audrey Roy is my favorite π
Also have to say I adote Masako Miki’s fawn. Super cute!
I really liked Shannon Ingraham’s single red mushroom piece. The folk style is absolutely beautiful.
Tallulah Terryll has some very nice pieces that would do very well as accent art work for a hallway
So much awesomeness!
Work by Masako Miki
Masako Miki’s single deer is likewise awesome.
seriously though, can I just have them all? lol
That is the coolest concept EVER, when I get out of this broke college student funk I’m soooo getting a subscription. I’m a big fan of pretty much everything, though Work by Pete Glover is kind of epic
Beautiful giveaway my fingers are crossed I’d love to win. I love the deer by misako miki.thanks for the great giveaway.Helen
I like #120 in the gallery, the Art by Tallulah Terryll
I love this concept!! My favourite is the Shannon Ingraham single red mushroom. I so love mushrooms atm!
I love Kerri Lee Johnson (especially the ship with tentacles around it).
Great idea! Crystal Morey’s work really stood out for me.
This is an amazing idea!
It’s like signing up to get a suprise present sent to your letter box once a month.
I love Art by YaChin Bonny YOu
All of that collection iz amazing but i particularly love the one that juxtaposes the meat and the cows head.
Terrific idea and really like the work of Tallulah Terryll!
The pieces by Jaime Lakatos are exquisite. I love the details on them and the color combination…especially the fish!
Oooh, I love the “Art by Alissa Goss”…those sculptures are gorgeous!!!
Love the sculptural pieces by Ben Belknap and Crystal Morey. Very nice π
Love Love LOVE this! you always have the best/most inspiring stuff on here!
This is so cool! I love the ones by Matt Reynoso!
Art by Shannon Ingraham – the two mushrooms. Great idea.
I love the blue apple Art by Matt Reynoso π
I love the pieces by Shannon Ingraham. I especially love the double mushrooms. This is fantastic! I now have something I can add to my Christmas want list as well as gifts to give list!
yay! thanks for sharing this neat project and hosting such a fun giveaway!!! my fav: the “art” by audrey roy on the right of the two sweet cloud, rainbow, and tree paintings. so cute & cheery!
I ready about a program like this in ReadyMade and thought that it was such a cool way to get your art out there.
I love Ben Belknap’s work. It is sort of eerie and when art evokes an emotion like that, it is a hit with me!
I LOVE this idea!
My adore the sewing machine by Pete Glover. I’m currently going to art school to sew costumes so it really tickled my fancy!
I love Kerri Lee Johnson’s 3 frolicking water horses! All are so awesome!
WOW! What a fantastically brilliant idea! I love it.
I’m in love with all of the art by Masako Miki. Heartbreakingly beautiful.