10 Things: Music to work by from Bonbi Forest & a little Illy


A fun music 10 Things list from Lee May Foster of The Bonbi Forest Indie Emporium. Lee shares her top ten list of music she likes to listen to while creating. She also shares a cute little illy she made while listening to some of her faves. What do you like to listen to while working? Leave a comment below. 

Here is my top ten list of bands and musicians I like to listen to when I am drawing and making things. I find that the abstract narrative of the lyrics and music of my choices help me conjure up some creativity. They are very inspiring and help inform the content and patterns in my work…It was really, really hard to stop at just 10 (It really could have been a list of 100!), so I ended up picking 10 artists that I find keep coming back to the top of the CD pile the most 🙂

I have to say they are in no particular order (it was hard enough picking just 10), but they are as follows:

  • Nancy Elizabeth – I have recently fallen in love with her debut album Battle and Victory
  • Bon Iver
  • Grand Salvo – Particularly the album “Death”, which doesn’t sound very cheery but it is a wonderful story about the adventures of some forest creatures and a man.
  • Bat For Lashes
  • The National
  • Bjork – I always stick on some Bjork if I can’t make up my mind what to listen to and am always reminded how much I love her!
  • Sigur Ros
  • Mark Kozelek – A grand master song writer if ever there was one…
  • Sufjan Stevens
  • The Sea and Cake – A (mostly) upbeat old fave



  1. Hey gorgeous we seem to have common tastes !! ! which i am not surprised about … however you mention some artists I never heard about so far (their name did not make the trip to my little south of France village) . that’s so cool, I love discovering new talents !!! merci

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