Guest Blog: De-LIGHT it up with Mixko by Alexa the intern


Alexa, one of the Indie Fixx interns, shares a recent discovery of hers – Jen. 

By guest contributor Alexa Carey

Splashes of a similar color throughout your room design help to unify your space. Changing paint and upholstery color give a room dramatic change, but it is those small design details that bring a sense of unity. One creative way to switch up your room décor is to incorporate a colorful felt lampshade from Mixko.

Mixko, a U.K. design studio, promotes and inspires simplicity through modern interior design and high fashion accessories. Their Delight Lampshade line features three styles of wool felt lampshades illuminated through butterfly cut-outs. Available in a rainbow of  colors, the Delight shades are made from a wool felt hat base and the butterfly details are applied using shape cutters similar to those used with shoes. The felt shades are made possible with the invention of the low-heat energy efficient bulbs.

Other lamp styles include: the Volvox, a hanging translucent flower shaped ball; the Coron, a hanging felted fixture molded like a calla lily; and the Bollard, a standing lamp resembling a traffic director. Besides lighting, Mixko creates furniture as well as personal and interior accessories like the Stamp Mirror, Mug Table/Chair and a variety of ceramic rings.


About the contributor: Alexa is a student at Oregon State University with a triple major and an interest in crafting and learning about indie artists and designers. She has worked scheduling interviews for the Wednesday Indie Artist Fixx series among other things.


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