I love me some g-o-o-d typography and I love this quest blog post from Jen Pepper of upstatefancy – Jen.
By guest contributor Jen Pepper
Aside from blogging at upstatefancy I’ve been able to survive professionally as a graphic designer for quite a few years. I wouldn’t consider myself a font snob, but I do consider myself a connoisseur of good typography. Sometimes you need something over the top and ornate to get the point across, and sometimes good ol’ Helvetica will do just fine. I’m so thrilled to be able to share so of my favorite typographic “moments” from some really great shops.
Although a picture is worth 1000 words, sometimes words just say it better. These typographic treasures would look great on any wall. Hand-drawn slow down print from Blue bicicletta. And check out these awesome silk-screened letters rockin’ the mic by artist Richard Perez. And finishing nails and thread make for one of the most beautiful “D’s” I’ve ever seen by Jenn Lawrence
Sometimes your notes and correspondence need a little typography company as well. This little dog card from A.C. Bohman is made up of a variety of fonts, I love when type works together to create something new and pretty. Seriously? I really have to get a set of these cards from orange beautiful to send out my complaint letters. And whether your name is Gina or you just really like the letter “g” this little sleuth notebook from peep paper is great (it comes in other letters as well.)
But why should good typography have to stay on paper? It doesn’t! You can have great typography while you eat with the Alpha plate from May Luk. Or maybe while your out dancing with this lustful necklace from Caja Jewelry. Or maybe you want to your impress your friends with your new typographic knowledge after reading this post. Well look no further than the kern ring from Plastique. *(kerning is the adjustment of spacing between the letters for visual appeal) Or maybe you are just super tired of reading all this type speak and are ready for a nap with this block printed pillow from 1girl1boy.
Typography is everywhere. The good, the bad, and the comic sans.
About the contributor: Jen Pepper spends her days as the design director at Isocurve and her evenings creating new goods for her Brooklyn based product line peppersprouts. You can keep up with her great eye for design over at her blog upstatefancy and by following her on twitter.
Oh my goodness, I LOVE that plate!!!! Did you make that? So, so lovely
Great post—as you can imagine, I love letters! Thanks so much for mentioning my Slow Down print! What a delightful surprise!
THanks for introducing me to Plastique! I have another favorite shop now.