Indie Fixx on Craftzine & vacation pics!


I am still on vacation, but I wanted to let you know that I am on Craftzine today sharing some homey stuff for their Home Sweet Home Series.  Leave me a comment about what you think of my pixx and I will read it when I get home. 🙂

Also, here are some pics from my vacation. I will be adding to this set, so far I’ve just added some pics of the house we are staying at. The decor is a little bit too beachy cute for me, but the view from the screened in porch is magnificent and not too mention, how cool is that dock?!


  1. Jen, I was so surprised and totally thrilled that you included me in your pixx today! Thank you, thank you! I also loved discovering our mutual love for Molas. I have one with birds that is one of my favorite pieces in my home! Have a great vacation… those dockside cabins look fun!

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