It’s time for another Feed Your Soul and Boycott the Recession Contest, which is sponsored by those great feeders of souls, Chronicle Books. The folks over at Chronicle Books wanted to get in on the action and the spirit of the Feed Your Soul Project: the free art project, so they have very generously donated some of their new titles for a series of giveaways. They have a wonderful catalog of full of crafty, art + design, food and cooking, travel, literature titles among others and I have long been a Chronicle Books fan from my days of working in public libraries!
Here’s what you can win:
- Iron Me On: 30 Sheets of Awesome Fabric Transfers by Mike Perry
- The Kittens of Boxville by Ryosuke Handa, Yoneo Morita, Tracy Sunrize Johnson
- Sublime Stitching Journal by Jenny Hart
How to win?
It’s easy! Just join the Feed Your Soul Flickr Group and share your pics of how you use the free Feed Your Soul downloads. You can share pics of them hung up in your home, in your cube at work, guerrilla art (hanging them out in public spaces) or wherever you have them and however you are using them!
One contest entry per person, but please feel free to share as many pics as you have. Please note, that pics that are uploaded to the group will be moderated 1st to keep out spammers. I will also be using them on Indie Fixx to promote the contest. Only images showing how you are using the Feed Your Soul downloads will be valid entries.
If you aren’t a member of flickr, it’s free & easy to join and you can share all sorts of pics with your friends and the world. More info on how to join here. Once you upload your pics to your flickr account, just add them to the group. Here’s a FAQ to help with that.
If you’d really rather not join flickr, you can email your pics to me at I will then add them to the flickr group for you.
From all the submissions, I will pick one random winner to win the prize. This contest will end May 31st, 2009 at 11:59 EST.
P.S. Congrats to Elizabeth, Ashley and Gayle who all won an artgoodies tea towel. And, congrats to Kella who won the Polarity and Jessica Gonacha Collaboration Locket and art print giveaway!
I cannot thank you enough for these contests. The recession has really hit our family hard, as it has so many families. With a 4 year old and a 4 week old, I appreciate everything you and all those who are participating in these contests, are doing to help make this tough time so much less painful. Thank you so much!