My hair is mi-spaliscious!


Does your shampoo have more ingredients than you can count on your hands and toes? If yes, throw it out the window or give it away to someone you don’t like.  I stopped using chemically laden yucky shampoo about 6 months ago and my hair has never been healthier. I can get away with not washing it every day (something I used to have to do every day), but it I wash it every other or every two days and I have super baby fine hair. I know you are probably going yuck right about now, but seriously a lot of the crap in shampoo is actually bad for your hair (and quite possibly for you too), and when you use it you get on a vicious crazy cycle where the more you shampoo the more it seems like you need to.

One shampoo I like is actually a shampoo bar by mi SPA. It has only eight ingredients and I recognize all of them. More importantly, it leaves my hair so soft and it has a very clean fresh scent.  It’s only $8.50, which is less than the natural shampoos I get at my food co-op, and a little bit goes a long way even with my long hair. Try it out.


  1. Hey Jenn,
    thanks for the review. I’m so glad it works well for you.

    you can also try to alternate between natural conditioner and vinegar rinse. Everyone’s hair is different and it may takes a few days to 2 weeks for your hair to adjust to the new products. It works for my whole family and we had been using our hair products for years now. =)


  2. I also tried using baking soda and the vinegar rinse. I didn’t like it. Mr. Indie Fixx washes his hair with it and has good results, but he has better hair than me to start with. 🙂

    I use natural shampoos and conditioners w/o sodium laurel sulfates and parabens. I use all different types. The tend to be more expensive, but since I don’t have to wash my hair as often I don’t use as much.

  3. OK – I have to ask. I’ve been wanting to go shampoo-free for a while now. I looked at the baking soda/rinse with diluted vinegar thing, but I don’t think I could deal with what I’m told would be a two-week period where my head would look like it had been dipped in motor oil. I tried Burt’s Bees baby bar on my hair and it was a disaster. My hair was NOT shiny and it felt really stiff and straw-like – like it was really dried out – so I haven’t tried another bar since. Do you use conditioner with this bar? I REALLY want to stop shampooing every day. . .

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