Sweet Anthem, what a sweet smell


For those of you who read this blog regularly, you know that I have been looking for a new signature scent for at least a year now. Not an easy task for one as scent picky as I, but one that I believe just got a lot easier as a result of  Sweet Anthem Handmade Perfumes (Etsy shop). Sweet Anthem is the perfumery of Meredith Tucker and features unique perfume oil blends, which are meticulously brewed by hand using essential & fragrance oils local to the West Coast where Meredith is based.  Meredith also uses  skin-safe carriers rather than alcoholic bases or wasteful chemicals.

With each new perfume she blends, Meredith offers a tribute to women that she admires—be they fictional, famous or just some of her close friends. You may recognize some of the women, others you might not. Whatever the case may be, Meredith thinks they all deserve an olfactory remembrance.

Meredith offers samples for purchase (I purchased some last year and loved them) as well as full-size perfumes and are all very reasonably priced. I just love the idea of the Perfume Sample Quarterly Subscription Meredith offers as well. For only $37 a subscriber is sent 16 perfume samples over the course of a year. What a wonderful way to try some new scents, especially since I dare you to pick only one that you like (I know I can’t).  What a sweet idea the subscription would make for a Valentine’s Day gift too!



  1. i don’t remember when or where i heard about sweet anthem, but i picked up a sampler about a month and a half ago. i figured one would stand out as a clear favorite, but i can’t seem to make a decision!

    (today’s fragrance of choice is miho.)

    i’d also like to mention that meredith provides really notable, personalized customer service.

    yay sweet anthem! 🙂

  2. I have a sampler of scents from Sweet Anthem — amazing amazing stuff. I looooove her solid perfumes, too. Just a teeny dab and it last the whole day through!

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