Good morning to you, dear readers. It’s been a hella couple days, I’ve been swamped with orders from the Indie Fixx Shop and I participated in the Squidfire Holiday Art Mart on Sunday in Baltimore, MD. I’m still not caught up with email, paperwork, eating, sleeping & stuff like that, but I can do all that in January!
Anyway, I wanted to share a few of my favorite shops from the Squidfire show with you.
I love these screenprints from Brainstorm Print and Design, a collaboration between Briana Feola and Jason Snyder. ‘Garden Girl’ (on the left) is by Briana, who likes to use delicate lines to create a sense of wonder and flow. ‘Science Flowers’ is by Jason and it’s the first in a series of documentary style prints. It is an exploration into the scientific side of nature. I first discovered Brainstorm last month, when a little birdie sent me an email about them, and I’ve been meaning to post about their work ever since. I was so pleasantly surprised to discover that I was neighbors with them at the Squidfire show. I ended up purchasing ‘Garden Girl’, but I love how the 2 prints work together so much that I may just have to add ‘Science Flowers’ to my collection as well!
I also fell in love with this pomegranate scarf from Fisk & Fern (made up of Laura Fisk and Marianne Fernsler). The pair create all sorts of printed and collagey goodness like cards, scarves, tea towels, journals and more. This Activity & Coloring Book was also really cute and would a perfect indie gift for little kids!
Finally, I really had to restrain myself from buying all of the plush from Zooguu, the brainchild of Jen and Brian Gubicza. Super cute & very well made, I wanted to hug & squeeze them all, but that would have just been weird, so I didn’t. The Zooguu folks also had the best display ever. It was like a sideways honeycomb on a pole and it was just the best way to display their adorable plush. You can see a picture of their “plush honeycomb” here. It was custom built for them by Michael Neil Jacobson of Element.