Cool Moms Picks Safer Toy Guide: a great holiday guide for kids


For those of you who regularly read Indie Fixx, you know that I don’t regularly feature indie goods for kids.  I don’t have little kids, so I don’t have as much of an interest in stuff for kids, and it’s just not my forte. That doesn’t mean that I don’t recognize that many of you do have little ones or that all of us have some small humans that we need to buy gifts for. Luckily, my bloggy friends over at Cool Mom Picks put together a daily dose of goods for kiddos and their moms.

They’ve actually just released their 2nd Annual Safer Toy Guide. Sounds like a good idea, right? Especially with the latest concerns about lead & melamine and other crap ending up in products for kid. Plus, well-made toys crafted from sustainable materials are better for kids and the planet….and that’s not to mention the idea that quality over quantity is better as well.

In the Safer Toy Guide you will only find small, indie, family-run businesses that carefully pick the toys they sell to insure that they’re safe and kid friendly. It’s a great guide and I’m sure you will be able to find lots of new goods and shops that will help you shop for the little kiddos in your life.

I’ve chosen a few of my favorite goods from shops featured in the Guide to highlight below.

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~ Printed Dollhouse Assemblage from petit flaneur $145 ~~~ Colored smencils made from recycled newspaper available at stubby pencil studio $14 ~
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~ Honey Dipper Maple Wood Rattle from Little Sapling Toys $29 ~~~ Tutus from Ellie Bellie Kids $53- $58 ~
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~ U Roll by 10 grain and available at fawn & forest $175 ~~~ Car Carrier Semi by East Laurel Woodcrafts and available The Pajama Squid $28 ~
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~ Brown Bag Lunch Play Food by Lily Bean and available at Mahar Dry Goods $40 ~~~ Organic Play Dough Kit from Clementine Art $38 ~


  1. Oh as a current baby cooking oven, this is a super helpful list. Thanks tons!

    Oh and I got a nice email from some people in Canada who came to Maker Faire and told me how handy my Austin guide on Indie Fixx was on their trip. Hooray!

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