I’m taking today off, I just need to take a day off folks for my mental health, and I’m heading to IKEA for some shopping with my sister-in-law. We are going to stock up on some stuff we need and probably get a few things we really don’t need, especially Bern, since she and my brother just moved into a great big ole house and they have LOTS of room now.
But, before I leave on our Scandinavian shopping spree, I’d like to share the work of Matte Stephens (Matte Art) with you for today’s TGIF: Thank God for Illustration Friday post. Being it’s Vintage Week and all (or at least the end of Vintage Week), I thought his work made sense to showcase, since it it so reminiscent of the art & design heyday (at least to me anyway) of the 50s, 60s & 70s. Also, my grandmom had an owl painting in her kitchen very similar to Matte’s owl seen below. I wish I had a picture to share!
Anyway, enjoy Matte’s work. I am a big fan, even though I haven’t yet bought a piece…I just can’t ever decide which one. Adjö until next week!
Note***I will resume sharing my Best of Indie Bath & Body pixx next Friday.