Tutorial Tuesday: Vinyl Binder Pencil Case



Since it’s that time of year again…I’m talking about back to school time…I thought this tute was just perfectly timely for Tutorial Tuesday.  It’s for a vinyl pencil case for your binder and is from  Split Yarn (Shop Split Yarn).

Make your own binder pencil case from Split Yarn

Here’s what you’ll need:

Piece of vinyl cut to 10″ x 10″
scraps of vinyl for your motif of choice and for your tension swatch
8″ zipper
exacto knife
rotary cutter
zipper foot
3/8″ grommets
painter’s tape

1. With a pencil, mark off the zipper placement on the backside of the vinyl by drawing a line at 4″ in from the edge and another line at 4 and 1/3.” Mark the top and bottom cut lines 1″ from the top edge.

2. Using the exacto knife cut the short end lines as well as a little ways into the long line. This will give you a precise cut when you go in with your rotary cutter to trim out the rest.

3. Center the zipper in the cut out area and tape it down with the painter’s tape. When you’re sewing with vinyl you can’t use pins because they leave permanent holes. That’s why removable tape is your new best friend.

