Guest Blog: Indie is the new Green by Jessica Gonacha – Ode to My Bike!

by guest contributor Jessica Gonacha

In our shifting world, I am sure all of you reading this column every week are well aware that we need to make some changes as a global society- both drastic and minor- if we are to continue enjoying the earth in all its preciousness.

While I know you all are aware of it, I am not so sure about a large chunk of the world. As I was riding up to the post office door on my bike the other day, a man walking out, looked at me incredulously and said,  “You have to ride a BIKE?” Then he shook his head and walked away laughing, as if he thought I was so LAME that I didn’t drive a car. At first I thought it was funny, and I didn’t say a word, but then I felt saddened as he drove away in his SUV, that he was so clearly not aligned with our planet’s needs in that moment.

I guess I tell you this because it got me thinking. I judged him for judging me, when really it could have been an opportunity to invite a stranger to see the world in a different light. How many times have I not stood up for what I believe, just because I didn’t want to confront someone? How many lives could I change if I did my best to inspire people (including myself) with each of my actions?

So, on that note, if you do not have a bike, I urge you to get one and RIDE IT! I promise, you’ll love it, and hopefully if someone laughs at you, you’ll be inspired enough to tell them how good the wind feels in your hair, and how you never have to fill up on $4/gallon gasoline, because bike-riding is free and good for us and the planet…. And if you are an avid bike-rider already— AWESOME! Keep riding, and keep loving it.

Here are some of my favorite bike images, to inspire you to go out and ride!


1. These fun coasters by Etsy seller girlscantell  are printed with a bike diagram printed on the set of 4, so it’s a full bike when they’re together. Plus, they’re on cork, which is a sustainable resource!


2. Check out this awesomeness! From cricketpress’ Flickr photostream.


3. This is one seriously painted bike. From slimmer_jimmer’s Flickr photostream.


4. How cool would it be to see this bike sculpture in person? From skampy’s Flickr photostream.


5. And my very favorite of all —the London Naked Bike Ride. I love it. From W10’s Flickr photostream.

GREEN CHALLENGE: Bike drawings!!! Draw a bike and post it to the Indie is the New Green Flickr group. (If you’d rather paint a bike, that’s fine, too, of course! Or sew a bike? Sculpt a bike? Bake a bike-shaped cookie?)

About the contributor: Jessica Gonacha is an artist from Atlanta, Georgia who is endlessly creating. Her work includes paintings, drawings, illustrations, and paper goods and is vibrant, colorful, and charming. Her work can be found on her site, in her Etsy shop and in the Indie Fixx Shop. You can also read more about Jessica and her work on her blog.