Wednesday Indie Artist Fixx with Gohgirl

For today’s Indie Artist Fixx I’d like to share my interview with Liz Goh of gohgirl. Liz creates tees and paper goods with her original international secret agents on them. The designs are simple, funky & fun and each secreat agent has its own story, which just adds to the fun. My favorite is the Londond Secret agent, who can spin upside down and use her bun as a  pogo stick!

Read more below!



1. What’s the name of your business and what do create and sell?

gohgirl. I illustrate these characters that are international secret agents with strange but powerful gifts! You can find these odd characters on tee shirts (babies, kids, + adult tee’s!) and note cards.

2. Tell us how you got started with your indie business.

When I was trapped in my cubicle of my 9-5 job, I started doodling these simple little drawings. My family and friends saw them and laughed. They encouraged me to do something with the drawings! And so gohgirl was launched!


3. What are your inspirations in your art and in life?

I’m inspired by art, fashion, everyday objects, music, and most importantly, my significant other!

4. Are there any pearls of wisdom you’d like to share with newbie indie business owners?

Don’t be afraid of rejection. There will be plenty of people who will love your things but there will be those who just don’t. It’s ok. Be confident in yourself and your products.

5. What three things can’t you live without.

(1) Japanese food, sushi in particular
(2) My doggies
(3) ipod


6. What’s the best thing about what you do? And the worst?

Best thing is that I am my own boss. I create my own schedule and don’t have to answer to someone else. The bad part about this is that because I am my own boss, I can be working long, long hours into the weeknights and weekends.

7. What blogs and mags do you read and what shops do you shop at?

DailyCandy, Cool Hunting, Wallpaper, Real Simple, Dwell, independent retail boutiques, (Wishbone, Perch, ParkLife,) UnicaHome, etc.

8. Do you like to cook? If so, what’s your favorite thing to make?

I like to bake anything chocolate. Sometimes I’m in the mood to bake fruity things too… I just made these raspberry lemon cupcakes.


9. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

Dog. Definitely. I have 2 rescue Border Collies.

10. What does indie mean to you? You can give a literal definition, choose to be a little esoteric or a combination of both.  😉

Indie means thinking outside the box… creating unique, individual items that aren’t mass produced and sharing it with other artists, old friends, and new friends.

11. What are you reading, watching and listening to?

Listening to My Bloody Valentine, Saint Etienne, Cibo Matto.
Watching Seinfeld reruns, Dog Whisperer, older movies… just saw House of Games.

12. What’s one thing you’ve learned as an adult that you wish you knew when you were a kid?

If I knew then that I would have so many life responsibilities as an adult, I would have let loose more as a kid. Color outside the lines,eat cookies for breakfast, jumped on my parents furniture, etc.

13. What’s new? Any new plans or products that you want to share?

Working on some new secret agents for the holiday season. Should be wacky and fun as usual!
