Guest Blog: Indie is the new Green by Jessica Gonacha – DIY Bird Feeders

by guest contributor Jessica Gonacha

I have thoughts of buying a house on the brain! It’s with fear of jinxing myself that I tell you this: my fiance, Ryan, and I have a house officially under contract! Eep! As a result, I’ve got all sorts of home improvement ideas on the brain, and I love the idea of having a LOTS of birds in the backyard!

Which leads me to today’s post: DIY bird feeders.  There are limitless ways to build a bird feeder, but here are some of my favorites:

1. Build a Bird Feeder (via Life Hacker) — the best part about this one is that it assumes you are going to use leftover scraps from previous projects! I love it.


2. Milk Carton Bird Feeder — another great way to creatively recycle something that would normally just get tossed in the recycling bin.


Photo credits & more tutorials:1.,  2.,

3. Lighthouse Bird Feeder — this one is ADORABLE! (And quite upscale for the little birdies.)

4. Pinecone Bird Feeders — always a favorite! And so festive. 🙂


5. Method Bird Feeder — Seriously creative and awesome!


6. Decorative Pumpkin Bird Feeder — this is such a cute idea, and I imagine kids would love making these, too!


GREEN CHALLENGE: mAke a bird feeder, of course! Post your genius creations in the Indie is the New Green flickr group.

About the contributor: Jessica Gonacha is an artist from Atlanta, Georgia who is endlessly creating. Her work includes paintings, drawings, illustrations, and paper goods and is vibrant, colorful, and charming. Her work can be found on her site, in her Etsy shop and in the Indie Fixx Shop. You can also read more about Jessica and her work on her blog.