I’m Inspired By…from Chantel

As you regular readers know, I did away with Reader Fixx Day on Thursdays and came up with ‘I’m inspired by….’ to take its place. So on Thursdays, I will be sharing what inspires your fellow readers in life and art.

If you’d to get involved, all you need to do is share 3 things that inspire you…they can be 3 indie designers whose work you admire, 3 artists who inspire you to create, 3 flickr groups you belong to that inspire you to take photos, 3 blogs that are every day must reads, or whatever gets your creative juices flowing and makes your life more enjoyable and meaningful.

Click here to share your 3 inspirations for “I’m inspired by…”

This week’s inspirations come from Chantel who chose to share 3 blogs that inspire her.

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Adventures in Letterpress – One of the few people practising letterpressing in Vancouver, Erin also writes a very readable blog about her work and experience.

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Jenn Ski Studio Blog – I love Jenn Ski’s mod designs, and I love the different web finds she showcases on her blog.

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Making it Lovely – I could only wish to have Nicole Balch’s style. Her home decorating is very inspirational.