Guest Blog: Indie is the new Green by Jessica Gonacha – Greener Screenprinting

by guest contributor Jessica Gonacha


One thing that is always on my list of things to do is to start screen printing. I took a screen printing class in college and loved it, and then about a year ago I decided I was going to do it again. So I ordered all my supplies, got myself all set up, burned some screens that didn’t quite work, and then had a heck of a time reclaiming them. Now I have some wrecked screens sitting in my closet, taunting me to clean them and have another go. Have any of you been in this position?

So, I’ve found some eco-friendly screen printing options that just might inspire me to try again. And if you are looking to have some t-shirts or other garment printed but don’t want to do it yourself, I’ve listed some options for that as well.

Happy printing! Maybe you can print some super cool designs like the ones pictured above and below by Super Maggie…or maybe not and then you shop at Super Maggie after printing your own slightly less cool designs. 😉

Screen-printing products/supplies:

1. Franmar — soybean-based cleaners for screen printing, paint removal, and even household cleaning products.

2. Advanced Screen Technologies, Inc. provides some options for water-based printing inks and eco-friendly cleaners/solvents.

3. Wextix — offers water-based inks and environmentally-friendly cleaning options.

4. Post Expose, owned by Urban Inks in Long Island– offer eco-friendly screen-printing services and studio rental space, and they also sell eco-friendly screen printing products in their studio.

5. Pocono Screen Supply — has a huge selection of screen printing supplies, including water based inks.

Eco-friendly screen printing companies:

1. Lifework — based in San Marcos, California, they offer sustainable and eco-friendly screen printing services.

2. Casualtee — based in Olympia, Washington, they use water-based inks and soy-based solvents and cleaners.

3. Living Planet T-shirts — based in Newfoundland, Canada, they also use soy-based cleaners in their printing process.

4. TS Designs — based in Burlington, North Carolina, this company offers both water-based printing and printing with plastisol PVC/pthalate-free inks.

5. Astro Screen Printing — based in Toronto, Ontario, they offer PVC- free and water-based inks, and they use soy-based cleaners in their cleanup process.

There are many more companies out there, and the list grows every day. This is just a small offering to get you started!


Have a car-free weekend! With soaring gas prices, it’ll be good on your pocket book as well as the environment. Get on your bike, use your feet, go out to the garden and plant some flowers… post photos of your car-free adventures to the Indie is the New Green flickr group!

About the contributor: Jessica Gonacha is an artist from Atlanta, Georgia who is endlessly creating. Her work includes paintings, drawings, illustrations, and paper goods and is vibrant, colorful, and charming. Her work can be found on her site, in her Etsy shop and in the Indie Fixx Shop. You can also read more about Jessica and her work on her blog.


  1. Thanks for the link up!
    I checked out the other sites and it’s a great resource you have here–good luck with the printing!

  2. Thanks for the great resources. I’m going to undertake DIY cabinet refacing my new house and was looking for a not-so-noxious paint remover!

  3. The thing about screen printing is that it is all about trial and error. It can be troublesome but when you finally figure out what your doing wrong, the results are worth it. Don’t give up!

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