Spruce up your Place: Indie Home Decor Challenge

My ‘mood board’ for my new office space that is in the works. ***

I’ve got a fabulous new contest debuting today on Indie Fixx…it’s called the Spruce up your Place: Indie Home Decor Challenge. Spring is the season for that annual rite of renewal, otherwise known as ‘spring cleaning’, and it’s also a time when I personally get re-inspired to spruce up my place. Of course when planning and dreaming, I’m thinking about all the cool indie home decor goodies I want to buy and the handmade home decor projects I want to do. I know you are all are the same and I want to hear about your plans and dreams, hence the Spruce up your Place: Indie Home Decor Challenge.

The deets:

To enter: Send me images from your home of your completed indie & diy home decor projects or images of your mood/inspiration board of projects you are planning or dreaming of (not all of us currently are in a place to redecorate, but still dream about it, right?) You can email me your images or upload them to the Spruce up your Place Flickr group. Please include the names and links to any indie goods that you are featuring in your images. By entering you agree to allow your photos to be used on Indie Fixx.

Don’t know what a mood board is? See examples at flickr HERE and HERE. Also, see my example above. Read what shops are represented in my mood board at the end of this post. ***

The Spruce up your Place: Indie Home Decor Challenge will run from May 6th – June 18th. That’s 6 weeks and should be plenty of time for you to get your act together to enter! 😉

The Prize: The prize is totally fabulous and includes the following donated indie goods:

1. DecoyLab Animal Alphabet poster (blue/pink) and Cuckoo clock (blue)

2. INK&WIT – Winner’s choice of print, either Pommebirds or Elephants

3. Circa Ceramics – $100 girt certificate for anything in the shop, including custom orders

4. Buyolympia.com – $50 gift certificate

5. Skinny laMinx – Apron & 3 tea towels, winner’s choice design

6. Berkley Illustration – Winner’s choice of (2) 8 x 10’s

One winner will be chosen at the Challenge end to win the prize. Open to international entrants.


***My Office Mood Board at the top of this post includes indie goods from the following.

Split pod vase from Whitney Smith Pottery
Cross-stitch pieces from Chez Sucre Chez
Felt Birds from Lauren Alane
Fabric House from Stephanie DosReis
Print from Dan-Ah Kim
Print from INK&WIT
Print from Yellena
Prints from The Black Apple
Fabric from Repro Depot
Fabric from Purl SOHO
Fabric from Cia’s Palette


  1. All these prizes are so cute and will be useful in my home! totaly my style..

  2. My grandchildren would just LOVE this prize. Thanks for all the great contests!

  3. Well, I’ve just done an autumn clean (and major overhaul of my place), given that I live on the other side of the world from you! So I’ll add some photos of the finished job soon.

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